Union of Alchemists, Bakers and Cooks

The Union of Alchemists, Bakers and Cooks (UABC) proves what folklore has had for a long time: baking and cooking is just culinary alchemy.
The Union of Alchemists, Bakers and Cooks is a minor union made up of those alchemists who split off the Union of Magifactury Workers due to labor philosophical differences to band together with the more mundane workers of the now-defunct Union of Culinary Workers.
The Union was founded in the year 350.

When the UABC was founded their internal discourse was bogged down for multiple months over a repeatedly inconclusive vote over which of the two proposed crest designs to adopt, the ultimate vote ended only a miniscule lead for the then accepted design.
Certain members of the union still refuse to fly the new crest.


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