Union of Woodwalkers and Leshivoiwards

Since the early days of Styx the people of the city have bravely strode into the dreaded and dark depths of the Leshivoi Forest to gather what the city needs to stay alive.

Immeasurable amounts of firewoods for the furnaces and ovens, rare and valuable alchemical and medicinal resources and plentiful game are just some of the things the Woodwalkers and Leshivoiwards extract from the heart of the forest at the threat of their very lives.

The Leshivoiwards and Woodwalkers tend to lead short lives due to the incredible danger of their line of work but they are respected and honored by the populace of Styx who view them as heroes that sacrifice their lives for the safety and prosperity of the city.

Those brave souls who venture into the forest organize in the Union of LeshivoiWards and Woodwalkers (UWoLe)  


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