Artificer Profession in Sufera | World Anvil
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  A form of magic pioneered by the Gnomes of the Gnomic Meritocracy, where the only exclusive academies to teach it are found.  
A Wizard summons, an Artificer creates
— Artificer College Slogan


  • Favourite invention type
  • What invention got you your certification
  • (if not a gnome) how you became artificer
  • Career


    Artificers are similar to other manual professions such as carpentry, though no qualification is required to get started learning and performing. For the customers, they would prefer someone with certified experience in the field, and sometimes a portfolio to show.   As a result of this, their work is fully certifiable by the Certification Bureau, allowing there to be a degree of quality assured by certified artificers.

    Career Progression

    Artificers can expect no end to the requests made by the general public. As long as there is a tool in the world, there is someone that wishes that the tool used itself.
    As a result, depending on the industry of preference, they can expect to find a lengthy career ahead.
    The most common of which is the commercial industry, creating magical items on demand for customers with the coin. This sees reasonably monotonous work but the high demand and constant pay makes it easy work. The second most common is use in the military. For every 100 soldiers that can't cast magic, there is 1 that can, and the 1 would still most likely win. Because of this, the military of many states have begun their investment in protective and offensive items from artificers to attempt to level the playing field. Items such as fire-resistant armour and recallable throwing knives have been demo'd to great success


    Social Status

    Held in high regard across Sufera, their work is well respected for its consistency, power and accessibility, as their creations are available to magic and non magic users alike


    Outside of the Gnomic Meritocracy, the population of Artificers is miniscule, with there likely being only a couple in any major city. As a result of this, there is often a waiting list, high cost or both for their services.


    Originally pioneered by the Gnomic Meritocracy, it was founded with belief that its power comes from the freedom of the creations. However, as that freedom is so unpredictable, a number of restrictions have been put in place. Most recently, the Mythlulian Empire put in place restrictions against any inventions for "combat" situations outside of preapproved designs for their armies.
    Alternative Names
    High Demand
    Famous in the Field
    Related Locations


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