Gnomic Meritocracy Organization in Sufera | World Anvil
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Gnomic Meritocracy


Though once independent, the Gnomic Meritocracy is now a client state of Mythlulian Empire, with a declining amount of autonomy.   When independent, clans of Gnomes came together with a vision of greatness, lead by the wisest of all clans. This leader would be called the Gignomai, meaning Greatest Gnome. In this time, they progressedtheir civilisation through their unique utilisation of magic, imbuing creations with magical effects, becoming the first Artificers.   They used this new form of magic to reach great heights, creating large contraptions of metal that could move independently and without a power source. These machines would build their city for them, and take care of menial tasks, to allow the Gnomes to occupy their mind only with ways to progress their kind further.  


In 2082 EM, the Gnomic were annexed, unwillingly, into the Mythlulian Empire. Their focus on progress left them militarily weak and they had no choice but to give in.

After Annexation

Life after the annexation remained similar in the most part, though their culture was forcibly shifting. Use of Gnomish was being phased out in favour of common, and guidelines were forming for the inventions of teh Gnomics. Their freedom to create was being reduced to only inventions that could serve the Empire directly, such as weaponry or war machines, which draws great ire from the Gnomics who champion demilitarization. A feat met only with more troops in the area...

To Know is to Gnome

Dissolution Date
Independent State was incorporated in 2152
Geopolitical, Duchy
Alternative Names
Gnome Kingdom
Gnomes / Gnomics
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Economic System
Market economy
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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