Crasian Kingdom Organization in Sufera | World Anvil
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Crasian Kingdom

The Kingdom formerly ruled by King Crasia XIX.  


The second largest of the Humanoid countries, a progressive empire founded on beliefs of equality for all races. Developed from the oppression seen under the Mythlulian Empire, this Kingdom is made with goal of offering an alternative to the oppressed where they can thrive and establish themselves instead of slaving for one another.  

Race Relations

In the Kingdom, race is seen as an unimportant factor dividing people and is ignored for the most part.   However, this form of equality is the only one expressed here, as it is still a hierarchical kingdom. Nobles still control more than their fair share of power in these lands, provided by the kings wishes to allow areas of the state be self governing.  

Religion and Culture

Majority religion is Otonian Majority Culture is Crasian

Fractures weaken us all

1380 EM - 30/12/2314 EM

Alternative Names
Kingdom of Crasia
Successor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state


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