Otonian Organization in Sufera | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


One of the most popular religions, though found majortively in Ebica, there remains a small following in even the furthest reaches of Sufera

Mythology & Lore

Followers have faith that the Withdrawal of the Divine was only a temporary withdrawal. Once The Divine restore their true selves in Seraphicus, Oton, God of Order will return to the Amalgamate Plane and reorder the Plane back to the rightful control of the Humanoids.   Some followers treasure their faith for its comfort (the Divine will return and shower us with their favour) and some find themselves hoping their enemies are cast astray in the reordering

Divine Origins

Evidence from Archeoligical digs into Sphericium - Early Humanoid homes show writings of The Divine telling the people that they will return. These stories were similarly passed down verbally, though the story may have been distorted through this.

Cosmological Views

The Amalgamate Plane and Sufera is without The Divine, however they left them under the guidance of the Dragons, with Magic to protect themselves. To some extent, the difficulty of survival in Sufera is a test to ensure only the true believers in the Divine may meet them again, and bask in their glory within Seraphicus

Tenets of Faith

Oton is the God of Order, and the order of the world must be upheld at any cost. Methods for upholding order vary depending on the extent to which is was betrayed. Capital and Corporal punishment are still utilised and encouraged in response to Sins.


  • There is only The Divine, Love the Divine
  • Understand your role
  • Forgiveness must be earnt
  • Known your enemies
  • Wipe clean the slate, and take comfort in order

    Religious, Organised Religion
    Alternative Names
    Otoners, Otossers
    Subsidiary Organizations
    Permeated Organizations
    Related Ranks & Titles


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