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Cadim art from here.
Cadim is one of Sylvain's mentors mentioned often in his journals. He passed away a few years before Sylvain quit.   Sylvain's Notes - A half-orc man I knew in his 40s-50s. His hair was dull brown and typically tied in a knot at the back of his head. His skin was a greyish green and he had blue-tinted tattoos on his face and arms. Out of all the people I’ve known, I think this man would be the closest thing I’ve ever had to a father. He was one of Mathilde’s bodyguards at Jewels and taught swordcraft, strategy, history, languages and culinary skills to many of those at Jewels...including myself. We took a liking to each other very quickly, I think seeing a lot of similarities in each other. He defied a lot of stereotypes that Half-orcs tend to garner, which is what led him to Jewels in the first place.   I think Mathilde knew exactly what she was doing when she made him my “guard” that first night in Jewels. I was so shocked by his personality and calm presence. It taught me a valuable lesson about tolerance and assumptions at the very least (one that I know I failed to enact a few times over the course of my life...but that was mainly due to first-hand experiences with Elves). Cadim is the main reason I agreed to stay at Jewels. He is the main reason I ultimately left.   Cadim spent a lot of time with me, playing games, patiently answering my thousands of questions, and teaching me to wield a blade. I think there was something he saw in me because we became fast friends despite our difference in age. Most of what I held onto in terms of a sense of self, was what he encouraged me to pursue rather than what I was mandated to learn.   He was beginning to ail when I decided to commission my own rapier. Cadim told me that you could tell a lot about a person by the weapon they wield (and yes, he was very much aware of the innuendo), and that when I decided to get my own sword, I should get something that felt “right” to me. I didn’t need anything ostentatious like the barely-functional pieces most nobles and rich merchants carried. I wanted something functional. Something simple, but elegant and sharp. The result of my request, which was not cheap, but worth every piece of gold I paid, is a  sharp, perfectly balanced, light but sturdy blade. The hilt is black with silver inlay. The guard is fairly simple, but it has some engraved designs and flairs that I personally liked. I wanted something that if taken care of, would be constantly at my side, even if someone like Cadim couldn’t be.   I think he was pleased with what I chose. At least he looked like he was happy, and that made me happy. He died a few weeks later. I hope wherever his spirit is now, he’s somewhere nice.
Sylvain's commissioned sword and his most prized possession. (source)


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