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Coirt is a druid, a member of teaghlach cara, and the younger sister of Oileán.   Unlike her sister, Coirt was not chosen by the Huntress, leaving her theoretically open to having children — however, this does not seem to have been much of an interest of hers previously, when there were several other candidates, and if she's warmed to the subject at all since becoming one of the only members of teaghlach cara still eligible to bear children, the party's seen no evidence of it. Indeed, in Bodaway's vision of Oileán's memories, the priestess noted that neither Coirt nor Mathghamhain were particularly eager to get to the business of having babies and repopulating their group.   Coirt speaks neither Common nor Barovian, but in the party's observation of her around the mansion, she's mostly kept to herself, though she's shown some interest in Azuth's books, even if she can't understand the text. (Sometimes there are very useful diagrams.) She is most often seen in the company of her sister, Mathghamhain, and her fellow druid Bradán, as well as his child Fiach.


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