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Day 52: The Solstice

General Summary

Day 52 (Хололуна 28, 735/?)

With much on their minds, the party begins the last day of the year by reading some more of the Tome of Strahd while in the relative safety of the library. With the lich watching from a respectful distance, hoping it won't have to kill any of them, they subject themselves to three more of Strahd's memories, leaving them ready to start the day even more exhausted, neurotic, and pessimistic than they would have under normal circumstances.   This accomplished, they head back in the direction of the tower, with plans to press on to the windmill from there in the hopes of reconsecrating the Forest Fane, or to press on to the Vistani to visit Madam Eva if they're unable to do so. Accompanying their scout along with some fatigued cosantóirí as far as the recently cleared bodak cave, they press on, reaching the tower by the end of the day, where Bodaway has an unexpectedly fulsome vision from the Raven Queen: the last several days in the lives of the coill cailleacha, seen through the eyes of Oileán. Through the vision, they learn that the group, along with Makar, has made it to their intended destination of Yester Hill to begin tending to the site of the Huntress's ritual. They also learn that the group is now in the company of several other wereravens, though this revelation is less cheerful: they were taken in after fleeing an attack on the winery that left Bray, at least, dead, and the rest of the Martikovs save Elvir unaccounted for. This isn't where the losses stop, either; two more of the cailleacha fell in the fight to take back Yester Hill.


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