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General Summary

Day 36 (Хололуна 12, 735/?)

Ayduin and Ri-An have an interesting time keeping watch when Ayduin witnesses Bodaway's hair fall out. He looks like he's having a good dream, though, so it's probably fine. He learns from one of the Vistani guards that Bodaway was also, apparently, a Large creature for about a minute earlier in the night. Ri-An attempts to make the initial designs for winter booties to protect Grghshnq, but Ayduin looks them over like !!!.   The party sets off, with Ri-An trying to solve the problem of What The Fuck Is Up With Bodaway. They come to the conclusion that his items and clothing should all be thoroughly identified, to see if one of them is why he keeps turning into clouds and going bald and shit. The party agrees that when they break for lunch, Ri-An can Identify Bodaway's items to see if any of them are the issue.   That morning, Bodaway talks about his dream, and they agree that it was likely a vision of Sir Godfrey Gwilym, the "good friend" of Argynvost's most trusted knight Sir Vladimir Horngaard, both knights of the Order of the Silver Dragon. Sir Godfrey, Sylvain reminds them, was also the one revenant who helped Ezmerelda when she went to Argynvostholt, and the only reason she left the place alive.   After a morning of travel, largely uneventful save passing by a wagon of Vistani on their way to Tser Pool, the party pauses for lunch, and the secret of Bodaway's recent bouts of strangeness is, perhaps, revealed: the ring he's been wearing for the last two weeks — given to him by Sylvain, who received it from Bray, who dug it up from a grave in the abbey following a message in the tomb he'd been locked in before his ESCAPE FROM CASTLE RAVENLOOOOFT — is in fact a ring of regeneration, and it is slowly growing back Bodaway's original parts. A discussion follows, the party theorizing about the potential dangers of this — if, say, Bodaway's arm were to fall off to allow his original arm to grow back, that may present some issues with combat. Ultimately, they agree to simply keep an eye on things, and Bodaway says if something interferes with his ability to fight or otherwise contribute to the group, he'll break his bond with the ring as needed.   Not long after that, Bodaway can only speak in a grim whisper for a minute, but that clears up soon enough.   They press on through the threat of exhaustion, past the spot where Strahd first almost felled them, finally reaching Tser Falls some time after nightfall. Setting up a camp amidst the snow and darkness, they rig up traps around the area to help alert them if anything tries sneaking up beyond their line of sight, building a fire to help them stay warm and dry. The first watch, split between Sylvain, Bodaway, and Osrin, is unremarkable, with Ayduin waking at midnight to continue the vigil.


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