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Bray Martikov

Bray Martikov is the youngest and only surviving son of Urwin Martikov and Danica Dorakova.   Like his late older brother Brom, Bray was curious and playful when the party first met him, frequently sneaking around the edges of the Blue Water Inn in Vallaki and getting into trouble.   Later, when he and his family were taken captive by Strahd von Zarovich to be used as bait to lure in Ezmerelda d'Avenir, he was the only one of the Martikovs to escape on his own, turning into a raven and flying into an area of the dungeons where it seemed Strahd could not follow, breaking through a stained glass window and flying to safety.   Not long after this, he and two wereraven escorts came upon the party as they fled Vallaki in the company of Savva and several of his family members, headed for Krezk. He excitedly handed over a ring to the party — leading to Bodaway's eventual recovery of his former body — and assisted in escorting the villagers.   After his daring ESCAPE FROM CASTLE RAVENLOOOOOOFT, Bray was reunited with his family, and it seems they remained at the Wizard of Wines for some time. However, when Strahd attacked the winery while unaware of the party's whereabouts as they spent their first stint in Azuth's magical mansion, it seems that most of Bray's family was killed. Bray, too, was dead for a number of days, before his and Danica's bodies were recovered by the party and brought to tuama beannaithe, where Azuth and other allies, including Oileán, waited.   After consulting her goddess, Oileán agreed to resurrect Bray and Danica, and they were brought back, only for the mansion to suffer an attack by several of Strahd's more powerful undead minions. They survived, though one of their fellow wereravens did not.   The party has seen little of Bray since his resurrection; in the mansion, he's been largely keeping to himself, supervised by the older wereravens, and in their initial travel east towards Barovia, he's taken raven form. They know, from Danica, that the several traumas he's been through in the last few months have taken a toll, though the exact form of that damage remains to be seen.   Bray is technically a member of the Keepers of the Feather, though presumably he's never been so involved in subverting Strahd as he has been recently.


Elvir Martikov


Towards Bray Martikov


Bray Martikov


Towards Elvir Martikov




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