BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The following information was curated by your friendly neighbourhood lich at the Amber Temple.  
  • Eberron is an entirely different planet, and it will take additional research to figure out how one would get there. Learning about the existence of Eberron will break their brains a little, because this doesn’t seem to be a different plane; it seems to be essentially a different universe, with potentially different rules, gods, and planes.
  • Basically there are rumours and legends of ways to reach these other worlds and realities, of beings powerful enough to reach them, but it would be a full day of research unto itself to even begin to untangle that mess. They do learn, however, of a spell called Dream of the Blue Veil, some very high-level magic, but that it requires the use of a magical item originating from that other world — you can find many merchants claiming to sell such objects, but precious few of them are genuine.
  • Eberron seems to have been originated by three great dragons, called the progenitor dragons, who wanted to allow dragons, elves, orcs, and other races to grow without being under the influence of deities such as Corellon, Lolth, and @Gruumsh.
  • Despite this, Lolth at least has made some progress in gaining worshippers there.
  • Eberron is dominated by the aftermath of the Last War, a civil war that lasted over a century, shattering the Five Nations that made up the kingdom of Galifar. Now, twelve recognized nations and a tenuous peace have been established, though the war’s wounds remain and fester.
  • The influence of the dragonmarked dynasties — families carrying hereditary arcane sigils — transcends political borders.
  • Magic use is widespread — they read of airships, rail transport, self-propelling farming implements, and everyday necessities.
  • They read of other races they’ve never heard of, such as kalashtar, and shifters.


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