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Hesketh Peach

Map of Faerûn by James Nalepa. Hesketh art artist unknown, please contact if you know the source.
Hesketh Peach is a senior Bloo Hunter, and the head of the Order of the Grey Crow, where Bodaway was trained. While Bodaway was going through a period of metamorphosis — both physically thanks to his ring, and psychologically thanks to a lot of trauma and guilt — Hesketh visited Bodaway via The Raven Queen's power for a little check-in.   An old, wiry, unassuming-looking black man, it is generally agreed by those who've only known him in his twilight years that Hesketh in his prime must have been terrifying, because he can still knock you on your ass if he sets his mind to it. Fortunately, he only rarely sets his mind to such things.   In that talk, Hesketh revealed his past life as a pirate, and how after a strange ambush at sea he found himself in a new life, and abnormally prone to wandering into situations with undead. He spoke of his "knowing" and how it gave him an inkling of where he ought to be and what he ought to do, though it didn't always provide specifics or rationale. Apparently, Hesketh had found himself on the edge of a lich's lair with a human woman a little older than him named Luus, who was another blood hunter: a member of the Order of the Ashen Reaper. After the two of them defeated the lich, both with mortal wounds themselves, Hesketh used what healing he naturally had to save her life, and in turn she saved his, taking him with her all the way to the base of the Order of the Ashen Reaper, far north: the Urn.   As Hesketh tells it, his path to becoming a blood hunter wasn't easy for him, the rigorous trials and transformations that vocation calls for far beyond his comfort zone. But in time, he did, and after he did, a raven dropped a menu from The Blade and Stars in Eastway right on him while he was far, far out at sea — over a day from any land, and over a tenday from Baldur's Gate.   He didn't give specifics about how he and the Raven Queen came to an understanding, but they did, and eventually he became tied to her and the Gate both, and the Order of the Grey Crow was founded.   Apparently he can summon light into his body in a really intense way? Or maybe that was just dream fuckery. Who can say!
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Cover image: by James Nalepa


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