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Mysterious Spellbook

This book, found in Argynvostholt, was torn and stained along with the other two books it sat on the shelf with. Between their collective three spellcasting classes, Ri-An and Ayduin were able to discern some of the spells within.  



Acid Splash (Ri-An), [Unknown], [Unknown], [Unknown], [Unknown]  

First-Level Spells

Alarm (Ayduin, Ri-An), [Unknown], [Unknown], [Unknown], Feather Fall (Ri-An), [Unknown], [Unknown], Mage Armour (Ri-An), [Unknown], [Unknown], [Unknown]  

Second-Level Spells

[Unknown], Alter Self (Ri-An), [Unknown], [Unknown], [Unknown], [Unknown]  

Third-Level Spells

Bestow Curse (Ayduin), Clairvoyance (Ayduin), [Unknown], Feign Death (Ayduin if Cleric), [Unknown], Flame Arrows (Ayduin, Ri-An), [Unknown], Speak with Dead (Ayduin)  

Fourth-Level Spells

Arcane Eye (Ri-An), Banishment (Ayduin), [Unknown], [Unknown], [Unknown], [Unknown], [Unknown], [Unknown], Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound (Ri-An)  

Fifth-Level Spells

Animate Objects (Ri-An), Bigby’s Hand (Ri-An), [Unknown], Creation (Ri-An), Dawn (Ayduin), [Unknown], [Unknown], [Unknown], [Unknown]
Item type
Book / Document


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