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Ayduin Thekan is one of our heroes. He is a wood elf ranger who can crit on any skill check except makeup.  

Things Ayduin is amazing at:

  • Throwing keys at people.
  • Knowing about every undead thing in existence.
  • Fighting and pureeing wolves, rats, and skeletons.
  • Throwing off charm effects.
  • Mending dresses.
  • Charming friends.
  • Sneaking.
  • Drinking.
  • Playing lutes.
  • Arm-wrestling.
  • Persuading guards not to kill him and his friends.
  • Resurrecting people.

Boon of the Hunter-Priest

Following the restoration of all three Fanes, Ayduin was granted the following boon:
Once per day, the bearer of this boon can summon two spectral winter wolves. These creatures have their own initiative, rolled as a group, and are friendly to you and your allies. They last for one hour, until they reach 0 hit points, or you dismiss them as a bonus action.


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