Greater Deities

The Greater Deities are the fourteen deities worshiped throughout the world of Aessaria. There is not much known about the mythos of these deities; only that they created the world of Aessaria. They have never been known to have direct impact on the world they created, other than artifacts and standing stones left behind, except for an incident known as the Intervention. Records from this even is where the physical descriptions of these deities stem from. There is thought that there was once a fifteenth deity, as there are fifteen standing stones, but no historian has ever been able to figure out who this fifteenth deity could have been. There is no evidence of any sort of name or domain; there is only a standing stone with a symbol of a half dead, half alive oak tree on it in The Republic of Kaeria. People refer to this deity as The Lost Deity. The Greater Deities will intervene when necessary through visions, dreams, blessings, or omens, but they have rarely physically appeared on the world of their creation. They are thought to reside in their own planar realms, where they watch as mortal events unfold and shape their own stories.   Major cities will allocate a temple to each of the fourteen deities while small cities and towns will have a single temple with idols to each deities. The Lost Deity will never have a temple; only a small stone near the entrance with their standing stone symbol. Mortals have prescribed the deities with their own subjective perception of morality, but based on how uninvolved the deities tend to be, it is unlikely the deities regard themself with those classification. None of the deities are barred based on alignment, though those who identify with a deities prescribed alignment are more likely to worship them. Aessarians worship deities based on their domains in relation to their own values. For example, Ahjya is considered to be a lawful evil deity, but a mercenary who considers themself more neutral may pray to him if they find they are in need of strength before a battle.


The Greater Deities are divided into the four Creator Deities and the ten Developer Deities. The Creator Deities are Evris, Galenos, Igena, and Tanis. The Developer Deities are Ahjya, Athennoth, Ceren, Elueh, Lademis, Nalletes, Onera, Rue, Rynestra, and Sovi. It is unknown whether or not the The Lost Deity was a Creator or a Developer, but most scholars believe they were a creator based on their symbol.
Religious, Pantheon
Permeated Organizations
Related Species


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