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Katalina Castellanos

A Thunissian woman from Whitetop, Daughter of lead politician. Fleur Castellanos. Trader of local arts and knowledge but has a strong passion music and art herself. Carries a golden harp and is her prized possession.

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Knowledge is Power

  • We recieve news that Russel will be passing through the town. Illadra also informs us that she will be travelling with us to Galdervale.
  • While we prepare for the day, I pen a letter to Mother asking about father- exspecting no reply back...
  • Delvin wishes to visit the mayor's wife in town, to see if she will help with the resistance...
  • While in town we hear conversations ab0ut Sparrow, spread hope among the Barrowens
  • The party exspress interest in finding armour for themselves. We pick up Brick's gloves for him.
  • l invest in some light chain and leather bracers and gain a point in armor.
  • Russel approaches us with a carrage filled with combat gear and places to hide.
  • He tells us he can get us into Geldervale
  • Zelots that follow the king; High lord Ardoinis- one who is conscripting the magic. Regina- Push to all out war
  • Ainseligh owns the 'Coli-day-tras', a rare telescope. We think destorying it could be an upper hand.
  • We leave sausage in Bakerbry.
  • We enter the town of Geldervale and check the back of the cart for weapons we can use, we find: Exsplosive charges x 3, Armor for Brick, Handful of swords, A short bow with fire arrows x 12...
  • We meet with Satra at the Glimmering Flask, who allows me to keep the fire necklace and presents us with a replica septre.
  • She tells us that the orginal septre will pull their magic ability if they die.
  • Satra gives us a silver bracelet that allows us to speak to Melba 2-3 times, they must utter the word'Karash'
  • Russel tells Katalina that some watchers and her father have appeared in town.
  • Katalina finds her Father and embraces him again...
  • R&R

  • We awake at the inn and decide we need a day of relaxation. Delvin recives a letter about his mother, stating she is safe.
  • We peform at Karta with Brick, Ilaydra shares with us some infomation and she agrees to help us with our quest.
  • We rest and relax at an estamlishment and sleep at the inn again. We are told during the evening that Russel has been assigned to Geldervale.
  • The Amethist Flame

  • We come face to face with Madame Ilaydra, we manage to convince her to come with us as Russel shows up with the carriage.
  • As we travel we tell her our story and what happened to Midayla and what we intend to do, she bellieves us but it powerless to act.
  • We proclaim to Russel that the king of flames started the fire in hopes that the rumor will spread.
  • Brick tells Ilaydra about her husband and Ainsleigh. She passes out and we continue our way into Burtwell keep.
  • 'The sparrow, murder being vengence for an affair"
  • We arrive at Cragmuth and have to find an inn for the night. Delvin tells us of an inn nearby, "The rusty ale tavern."
  • We wait the amounted time and enter the inn, where we arrive at a room with a black figure on the bed with a beaked mask. The mask is taken off to reveal Delvin's face.
  • Lady of Flames

  • We leave and head towards Ironspire, Russel has been leading the cart under the guiase. We believe that she will be in the embassy district.
  • We arrive at Ironspire, and are told to cover ourselves in "blood" to look the part. We are checked and I cast read and shift emotion to sway the situtaion.
  • We arrive at the cells in Ironspire. Russel tells us where we can find the Fellmore embassy to find Madame Ilaydra. Russel tells us know to get there and the service entry.
  • I change into a maid service outfit. While Brick and Delvin change into guard outfits.
  • We manage to make our way to the Embassy when we notice some Ironguard standing outside.
  • We enter combat which looks like were losing- I make my flame appear and with Delvin's help we manage to make a huge flame ball that sets the town aflame.
  • We manage to finish off the final guards before entering the embassy to beocme face to face with madame Llaydra.
  • Up In Arms

  • We awaken early and head down for breakfast. Someone is waiting for us at the table who is after Osbert to take him away.
  • We notice some comotion happening in town
  • I recive a not in Thunissian handwritting: "Russel will be able to meet after his tribual this morning and his location.
  • The replicia will await us at the glimmering flask inn on the 6th day.
  • We exspect no payment but his abilities to be shared with amar."
  • An ironguard has been killed in town and we believe that someone is following us. I believe he has been foretold in the prophecy.
  • Mikey suggests being our scout and try to find out whats going on.
  • We head out to meet with Russel Hail who seems dejected and down on himself.
  • I say we greatly need his help and if he could meet us at the tavern.
  • We tell Delvin he should aquire a small secret weapon.
  • We meet up with Russel Hail who listens to us.
  • He knows about Ainsleigh and is willing to help us- by helping us get into Ironspire.
  • A Fated Meeting

  • Melba asks to speak to whomever wants to speak first- Delvin stays to speak to her.
  • We wait outside, with Satra and high preistess Sienna  
  • Brick then talks to Melba alone.
  • Children of Amar have been working for sometime to dethrone the king. Melba has the same gift as Delvin.
  • They mention Delvins mother and Ainsleigh.  
  • A Grey Guard just returned from fellbrooke- assigned as a captain, being reposted to the south. Loyal to goodness.
  • Arriving at Craigmuth tomorrow. Russel Hail.  
  • Sienna gives us some rings and an amulet that allow the user to create and control fire.
  • We rememeber that the septer is with The Mother and we cannot obtain it- we consider a dupe to be made for us in exchange for our loyality.
  • They ask where Midayla would be, Brick recalls infomation about her aunt and uncle. They say she lives near the spire.
  • I adorn the rings and necklace. (I agiain Two points in fury fire magic)
  • We make our way to Gragmuth on our horse and cart. We make our way back to the inn and see Osbert in town all alone.
  • We situate ourselves at the inn and see Mikey come into the inn and take care of Osbert.
  • Mikey says someone has been following us, a glimpse of black clothes and a mask. Like a black cat.
  • Heat of the Moment

  • Hearing the comotion outside, we head downstairs to talk to the party. We notice the crowd of people gathered and fighting. My mother seems concerned this is happening and we go to see whats happening.
  • My mother witnesses the scene in the courtyard- but I do not. I help disperce the crowd and we make our way to the cart to head out of town.
  • My mother tell me the aces up kings sleeve, which include magic and something to do with the kuld.
  • We arrive back in to cart where my mother recived the information for her husband.
  • Full of anomosity i try to slap Delvin but am held back by Brick.
  • We have an emotional trip back and say sorry, I also learn what Brick did back in Bartwell Keep.
  • We arrive at the tent where Satra, High Priestess Sienna and Melba are inside...
  • Into the Fray

  • I tell Satra that I shall meet High Presist Sienna and she meets Delvin.
  • We trust Satra with infomation about Midayla and ask if she can be saved, we share infomation about our magical abilities and our shared unity for the fall of Ainsleigh and The King of Flames.
  • Satra fills us with vitality and awakeness (+1 to all rolls for the next few hours), we are to return to Gragmuth to speak with her again.
  • While travelling to Bartwull Keep I rememeber what I must tell my mother -about my father and where he is, Ainseligh and his hold over us, magical abilities, Melba.
  • We arrive at Bartwull keep, and I meet with my mother- she leads me away to talk.
  • She tells me the following:
  • The King of Flames, Delcation of war against fellmore, known as the "City of gold'
  • He is delaring it the 'War of fames' and if it results in war- Thunissia will declare utraility and I could be conscripted
  • She tells me over 100 'magic users' have joined his cause.
  • She has been working with Children of Amard- whom she believes is just.
  • I shift the emotions of the guard in the room to demostraite my abilities.
  • I ask my Mother if she knew my father was alive- she seems to be honest with me and says she didnt know
  • I tell her about Ainsleigh and him blackmailing all of us and is threating to kill my father
  • I tell her about Delvin's mother in The Barrows as well
  • I embrace my mother for the first time in a long time...
  • Oddities and Osbert

    Father is being transported from stockton currently through ryseden   I pen a message to my mother to deliver asap, that tells her the day we will be arriving. I also pen a message to Aydelyn, asking if his wife has found her missing student.   The ground shakes as well travel towards Bakerbury   The party notice an old man getting beaten up by Ironguard, I sense the emotions of of the guard and the old man. The old man seems to be magical and cannot feel pain.   The Ironguard tell us the man can change the properties of physcial objects. A man named Osbet enters the cart and Delvin tests him.   We disscuss Osbert being sent to the Barrows with Pemble and Mikey.   4 years ago there was a Kuld who may have possessed magic abailities. I suggest to the group about approaching Melba for help with our magic.   We enter the town of Gragmuth and seek the Rusty Cap inn where we can repair the cart.   I enter and the room, Satra is her name she is a member of Melba She tells me of The children of Amard "Mother" who are a collective of people with magical abilities who wish to see the king fall. She explains that Melba's purpose is to know people truthworthiness   She tells me High Daughter Sienna would like to speak and is willing to meet at Bartwell keep or Ironspire.   She also tells me that Ainseligh has the following abilities: Magic is ability to metaility sharpen or dimissish Ability to move (telekinises)   I wonder if they have the ability to help Delvin's mother, my father and Ainseligh...

    The Power of Magic

  • As we awake in the morning, Delvin tells, Edgar has discovered location of my father.
  • I make my way to the political district to find out how the road to Bartwell keep is
  • Everyone in town is talking about magic and king of flames. More people are being recruited
  • Isadora greets me, she is a liasian of kings crop and is loyal to king of flames but Thunissian above all, shes not very keen on me.
  • Ainsleigh is very keen on gambling.
  • While travelling outward and onto Bartwell keep, - I try to deciper the phrophecy that was spoken to me....
  • "Powers gathering and people who conspire, shards of sunder, breaking... bonds of old. Shards you carry that yern for freedom will also breal but with them... something about new age of power. The crown... consumed by flames, war blood, moon, bonds brought to balance and true power of ironspire made free."  
  • *Rewatch episode to get the full phropecy*
  • Pemble, Delvin and myself disscuss our magical abilities and we come to realise that everyone may have a source of power including the king of flames and Ainsleigh
  • We agree we need to secure the safety of our families and go after our enemies.
  • The Room Where It Happened

    We arrive at Ainselighs mannor were a Dozen or more guests with us, Harold, Alysse, Ainsleigh...   Ainsleigh is know for trading weath and art, is very much into gambling and horses. I ask him to look over the paintings that I have brought with me.   Ainsleigh presents us with a banqet and a show, showcasing each culutres traditions in music and food   We are lead downstairs into a sealed room where her keeps his artworks.   We immedntly feel the affects of Ainselighs power drift from us- and he releaves to us Edgars head. I read him emotions to be calm and thrilling.   Ainseligh threaens us and demands one of three things within 7 dayss: 1. Item of intrest- Fellmore septre 2. Mother asssianted 3. Katalina's power + Delvins trade   He is aware I have met with Melba and believes I have some kind of power.... He Says without cooperation Delvins mother is threaten, my father wont be seen again. I believe he is telling the truth.   We are marched out of the mansion and find a new place to stay. There, we find ourselves somewhere to stay.   Felton trader said his asstant was looking for people like us, we recognise this as Pemble.   Pemble meets us at the inn were staying in and gives us infomation.

    Journey's End

    On journey has finally reached Geldervale.   While being checked over with little trouble, we are approached by Regionald who says Ainsleigh has a place for us to stay in the city, he wishes for us to join him for dinner- which we agree too.   We make our way into town, and make note of the diffrent districts and their hyrachey,finding oursleves at the shinning mare inn. Inside, I tell everyone that I must speak with the group privately.   We meet up at a seperate tavern and find a secludeded area to talk. I know this may be the last time we are all together and feel I must be open and honest.   Firstly, I tell them about the overcomming awarness of my ability to affect peoples emotions. I speak of my mother and the messages she has been sending, I fear for her safety but also do not wish my party danger.... I speak of the prophecy that wurmed its way into my mind, thinking its just ramblings... Lastly, I speak of Melba and her deception towards the king of flames.   I dont not trust anyone, accepting my friends.   We arrive at the room for our meeting for deliver Midayla. The hotel room is opulent and full of art- Thunissian art in particular. We meet Alyse and Ainsleigh who will be escorting Midayla on her way.  

    Veiled Intent

  • Midayla wakes me from sleep
  • I play a ballad from Midayla's homeland, she is overwhemeled and opens up to me about her vivid dreams
  • I tell Midayla that music is not allowed to be played by females, and we must keep it a secret.
  • We head out to meet with the child where Aylard showed us
  • The child we are to meet has dissapared and we go looking for her
  • We meet a street urchin who mentions a person dressed in black paid him
  • Read emotions: Pure fear and terror
  • We head further into town and meet more people who decribe a man in black called 'sparrow'
  • As we decide to leave the earth begins to shake uncontrollably and terror and fear rushes all around. I decide that perhaps I can help fix whats going on, be damned if we get exposed.
  • A man is shown in the center of town with his fingers and toes cut off
  • A note is shown on the man written in blood, that says "The sparrow has returned"
  • I am escourted by the IronGuard to meet a someone of importance. I am lead to a room with a woman named 'Melba' inside.
  • (Watch episode again for notes, was too intense!)  
  • Word has returned from my mother
  • (Watch episode again)  
  • We leave Ironeye in our new carriage as we are leaving we are persued by another carrage.
  • Hostile Encounters

  • We awaken from our long nights journey in Ironeye. I am able play my harp and attempt a Thunissian tune but bearly manage (Mana 2)
  • The party comes to the revelation that Brick has lost his glasses and is blind without them.
  • We can hear rowdy noises outside and we persue the crows. Delvin is under the impression that the leader has taken glasses and wish for the party to leave town immedietly.
  • I attempt to read emotions of leader, exposing their; hatred, fear, vulterasblity being smug and proud. I am able to shift his emotions to calm him enough to pass the glasses over, he gives us the day and morming to sort out business and leave.
  • Delvin exsposes Katalina to be in possession of magic
  • We entert the marketplace where the genreal vibe is negative towards the party. Katalina is focused on her market goals, of selling the pelts, buying a bow, influtrating the message from Becket at the Golden Oak inn and aquiring a horse & carriage
  • I notice the trader, Reginald Wells in the marketplace- a very well known trader and wealthy, not liked by Barrowen people
  • Being unsuccessful with purchaing a bow, I make my way to the in and towards Beckett. He tells us not to return to fellton and can disclose no more infomation.
  • Inside, Adalard shares with me his shame of teaching the children of this town knoweldege. He discloses a child who has the power to control water. I tell him his secret is safe with me and that knowledege is better than none at all.
  • I have told him I'll talk to my party about a safe place for the child and what we can do.  
  • I exspect to hear from my mother tomorrow morning.
  • The party wishes to meet the child.
  • The Eye Made of Iron

  • I awake from a horrible nights sleep at Lilith's with the prophecey's words keepinh me from slumber, but is able to play harp peacefully.
  • I exspress my concern for lilth's safety to Midayla but am reassured she will be okay
  • While staying her place, Lilith has adorened her abode with various trinkets from all over the world
  • Lilith prepsres us a wondfeeful meal and tells us of a person we can entrust the bow to.
  • We exspress our worries and tell her to take care she doesnt get caught again, she is special.
  • We leave her abode and find ourselves at a river that is almost impossible to pass.
  • We travel up the river side which is exsaughsting and causes (2 level 1 injuries) to myself.
  • A horse passes us with Becket on top, riding past who avoids us comepletely- heading to Ironeye.
  • I have visted Ironeye in my travels before, we enter inside and make our way to the sheepskin inn.
  • We bathe and patch ourselves up and notice Adalyn is in the tavern playing.
  • I tell Adalyn of my travels and hope to talk more tomorrow.
  • Nature's Fury

  • We being travelling towards the town of Ironeye, it is uneventful for the most part until the sun begins to set.
  • Towards us, we see a girl up ahead, arguning with four men with a cage. We observe the girl becoming overprotective with the animal and full of anger.
  • I try to stop her from attcking the men but fail to do so.
  • We enter combat and try to best the men and rescue the animal. We down two of them men and allow the others to leave.
  • We discover the girls name is Lilith, who seems to be able to communicate with animal beings.
  • She leads us to her home for a safe place to sleep for the night.
  • She offers us food if we can help her hunt tomorrow and replace the bow she lost.
  • We sleep for the night but have a restless night.
  • Voice on the Wind

  • I am shooken with a booming voice that fills the room. It tells me of a rise that is to begin in Sunder.
  • I present myself to Elspeth who reads my fotune for me, poorly. I am lead to believe that she is not of magic ability.
  • We all enter the Inn, it is busy and full of life with lots going on. Two Thunissian men are playing for the patrons.
  • I attempt to write down what the voice in my head has said, I am able to patch togther some of it, but not all. Female voice direct:
  • "Powers gathering and people who conspire, shards of sunder, breaking... bonds of old. Shards you carry that yern for freedom will also breal but with them... something about new age of power. The crown... consumed by flames, war blood, moon, bonds brought to balance and true power of ironspire made free."  
  • While dinning I notice the Grey Guard enjoying their night, along with the guard who was questioning Elspeth. I mention a word of caution to Kale.
  • I introduce myself to the two Thunissian men, Alistar and Skyous. They tell we that the girl who displayed magical abilities is staying at other inn
  • I ask Delvin for help on finding her name, May Fletcher.
  • Unfortuntely the night is spoiled by the Blacksmith, who enters tavern and causes a scence. I take Midayla upstarirs for the night.
  • Midayla says she misses home and her parents, I comfort her as much as I can.
  • I write to my mother about the girl who is to enter Ironspire.
  • Mid afternooon, a comotion has happened outside. A Grey Guard is being baratted by the townsfok
  • I try to calm the situtaion, but use all my ability doing so. I leave the Grey Guard at the Inn and leave straight away.
  • Figure of a cat on the roof connected to the house plays in my mind as we leave town.
  • Turning Tides

  • The party and mysself are headding to the (less populated) Inn for the afternoon and logings for then night.
  • I notice Kale the inn keeper, who appears to be a friend of Delvin's.
  • I read Kale's emotions. He seems worried about something greater than the current situtaion that is happening at his inn.
  • I ask kale to join us for a drink tonight.
  • By observing the general mood of the town I notice a few things.
  • Grey guard are excited about the night tonight.
  • Not a lot of people stepping forward to become apart of the Grey Guard.
  • One family has stepped with magical powers to present to the king, girl with family.
  • Crowd are curious about local fortune teller, perserved as a nice person but town are curious about what she will do.
  • Receive letter from mother which writes that all is well and praise the king.
  • Able to decipher hat there is reason for concern
  • King is not a worthy leader
  • Kingdom is preparing for something.
  • Fortune teller is related to inn keeper, aunty Elspeth
  • Kale seems upset, worried that she is ruined
  • Girl with powers deminstaed them in front of the town
  • Approach fortune tellers house
  • Read meoitons of house 2 or 3 grey gyuard and 1 worried person
  • Able to enter house and hear converstaion
  • 3 grey guard, 1 very intense gyard
  • Melba
  • lose 2 mana
  • The Proclamation

  • We awoke to a beautiful and peacful morning in Fellbrooke. Upon tunning my harp Midayla noticed me playing and tunning it. I brushed it off as nothing, im still not sure why I do it, I just have this strong need to.
  • Devlin and I attend the meeting behing held in the town this morning, for the arribvals for the grey guard. I observe 100 Iorn Guard, and a dozen grey guard arrive in town.
  • Captain Brimley addresses the crowd. He states the conscription of magic in the kingdom, if they present themselves now they will be spared. But if they fail to do so, they will be executed. Applications for local grey guard open up in the town. I understand this is to establish mitality presence.
  • I am able to read emotions of townsfolk, most seem empty and resigned, witgh a few hints of greed and feweer still of intense fear.
  • I notice Delvin arroaching a man and his son, I ask if we can go elsewhere to talk, away from prying eyes. Lernen (father) and eden (son) lead us to his house on the outskirts of town.
  • We learn that Eden has ablity to grow life from plants. I ask him to test his skills on me. I calm his emotions, allowing him to concentrate on the task. He is successful, and repairs the wound I inflicted on myself.
  • Delvin sets up arrangements to send the family to The Barrows. We arrive back in town and stay at the inn for the night.
  • The Road to FellBrook

  • We begin our journey to FellBroke with Midayla, Brick and Delvin. Party as a cart loaded with fake paintings and rations.
  • After jounring for serval hours a man apprcoahes, Barry, limping and stuggling to carry a small weak child.
  • He warns us theres a horde of bandits who are ramsoming peopole and not letting them pass into Fellbrooke.
  • He advises us to turn aroound or journey into the forest.
  • After a breif disscusion, we all decide it would be best to abaddon the cart and take whats valuable.
  • I pocket all artwork, and keep it on my person, will require some bindings or rolls to keep them safe.
  • We Leave the cart behind and contuine onwards into forest.
  • While journing into the forest, Midayla seems interested in the new world around her.
  • I take the oppurtinity to ask her about about her culutre. She advises me about her ultilties and history.
  • Dracow horns is a valuable resource, farmable, Brick is treated like a Dracow
  • Party makes it out of forest and sees fellbrooke on the horizon. Along the way, we see a couple fighting, I rush in to stop them and understand the situtaion.
  • I manage to 'calm emotions' on the woman and get her into town.
  • We appraoch the town militia who seem worried. Man tells me that soilders will be arriving tomorrow morning and contuing onto Fellmore, I head warning that it is dangerous up there. Man tried to press me for more intofomation but I belive is best to keep our quest discrete.
  • Delvin had gone missing before ending town. I find him outside and mangage to 'clam emotions' towards him and lead him into the town.
  • Meet bakers womans, sister in her house, who Brick manags to convince her to take us in for the night.
  • Couple is very friendly and willing to help us, they provide us with new clothing for Brick and Midayla
  • Whisperings of arrivals in the morning and how they should prepare for that.
  • Must ask if they can provide bindings for my artwork.
  • The King of Flames

  • Soot covered woman runs towards Adylan and I, claiming 'The King of Flames' has reeked havoic on the town.
  • Arriving in town, we confirm ewith the local militia what has been happening, and advises it is best to leave town.
  • I relieve Adylan of his duties to find refuge. I make for the inn and for edgar to sort out my duties and leave before next day.
  • I meet with Edgar in his home, as well as a fayleenkull, a barroween man, and a female fayleen child. Flaylen child appears distrought but will recover from her emotions.
  • Validate art trade as worthless trade, take paintings.
  • Edgar confines in Delvin and I that 'magic' has come to the relam and the clames the king sent were un-natural. Edgar asks the party to take Midayla her family in Ironspire so that she may be safe.
  • While this will be a difficult task to acomplish, it will allow the people Thunissia better diplocamic trade with Flenton.
  • Upon arriving at the inn, I write to Mother, asking her what is happening in IronSpire and to respond.
  • The next morning, we plan our route to Glenervale and adorn ourselves accordlingly.
  • Journey's Beginning

  • Started trading art and goods in the local area. Katalina is on her way to Fleton. in order to verify an art trade that is happening.
  • Aylard, my Thusnissian companion, whom I met in a nearby town, accompanies me. He carries a bow and staff by his side.
  • We have just left the town of Fellbroke, when approached by a Grey Guard man.
  • Aylard urges Katalina to go back but party presses on.
  • They ask for money in order for safe passage, Katalina persuades them to lower their barter- then, using her abilities, persuades them to join her through the forest for free to safety.
  • ---
  • Grey guard give passage towards Felton
  • While continuing walking, party is approached by a person running towards them screaming and covered in soot.
  • End Session


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