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Katalina Castellanos

Jennifer plays a 26 years old Thunissian named Katalina Castellanos

A Thunissian woman from Whitetop, Daughter of lead politician. Fleur Castellanos. Trader of local arts and knowledge but has a strong passion music and art herself. Carries a golden harp and is her prized possession.

Campaign & Party

Other characters
Tue 8th Mar 2022 12:15

Knowledge is Power

by Katalina Castellanos

  • We recieve news that Russel will be passing through the town. Illadra also informs us that she will be travelling with us to Galdervale.

  • While we prepare for the day, I pen a letter to Mother asking about father- exspecting no reply back...

  • Delvin wishes to visit the mayor's wife in town, to see if she will help with the resistance...

  • While in town we hear conversations ab0ut Sparrow, spread hope among the Barrowens

  • The party exspress interest in finding armour for themselves. We pick up Brick's gloves for him.

  • l invest in some light chain and leather bracers and gain a point in armor.

  • Russel approaches us with a carrage filled with combat gear and places to hide.

  • He tells us he can get us into Geldervale

  • Zelots that follow the king; High lord Ardoinis- one who is conscripting the magic. Regina- Push to all out war

  • Ainseligh owns the 'Coli-day-tras', a rare telescope. We think destorying it could be an upper hand.

  • We leave sausage in Bakerbry.

  • We enter the town of Geldervale and check the back of the cart for weapons we can use, we find: Exsplosive charges x 3, Armor for Brick, Handful of swords, A short bow with fire arrows x 12...

  • We meet with Satra at the Glimmering Flask, who allows me to keep the fire necklace and presents us with a replica septre.

  • She tells us that the orginal septre will pull their magic ability if they die.

  • Satra gives us a silver bracelet that allows us to speak to Melba 2-3 times, they must utter the word'Karash'

  • Russel tells Katalina that some watchers and her father have appeared in town.

  • Katalina finds her Father and embraces him again...

  • Katalina's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

    1. Journey's Beginning
      31 Aug 2021 03:51:14
    2. The King of Flames
      07 Sep 2021 03:56:13
    3. The Road to FellBrook
      14 Sep 2021 03:15:23
    4. The Proclamation
      22 Sep 2021 02:09:35
    5. Turning Tides
      28 Sep 2021 02:27:26
    6. Voice on the Wind
      12 Oct 2021 02:45:24
    7. Nature's Fury
      19 Oct 2021 02:05:19
    8. The Eye Made of Iron
      09 Nov 2021 02:20:02
    9. Hostile Encounters
      16 Nov 2021 02:39:40
    10. Veiled Intent
      27 Nov 2021 05:39:33
    11. Journey's End
      07 Dec 2021 10:08:25
    12. The Room Where It Happened
      07 Dec 2021 12:12:36
    13. The Power of Magic
      14 Dec 2021 12:43:28
    14. Oddities and Osbert
      28 Dec 2021 09:56:19
    15. Into the Fray
      28 Dec 2021 01:16:02
    16. Heat of the Moment
      18 Jan 2022 12:07:10
    17. A Fated Meeting
      25 Jan 2022 12:13:02
    18. Up In Arms
      01 Feb 2022 12:22:32
    19. Lady of Flames
      08 Feb 2022 12:39:55
    20. The Amethist Flame
      15 Feb 2022 12:10:54
    21. R&R
      01 Mar 2022 12:07:37
    22. Knowledge is Power
      08 Mar 2022 12:15:39

    The major events and journals in Katalina's history, from the beginning to today.

    Knowledge is Power

    - We recieve news that Russel will be passing through the town. Illadra also informs us that she will be travelling with us to Galdervale. - While we prepare for the day, I pen a letter to Mother asking about father- exspecting no reply back... - Delvin...

    12:15 pm - 08.03.2022


    - We awake at the inn and decide we need a day of relaxation. Delvin recives a letter about his mother, stating she is safe. We peform at Karta with Brick, Ilaydra shares with us some infomation and she agrees to help us with our quest. - We rest and ...

    12:07 pm - 01.03.2022

    The Amethist Flame

    - We come face to face with Madame Ilaydra, we manage to convince her to come with us as Russel shows up with the carriage. - As we travel we tell her our story and what happened to Midayla and what we intend to do, she bellieves us but it powerless to...

    12:10 pm - 15.02.2022

    Lady of Flames

    - We leave and head towards Ironspire, Russel has been leading the cart under the guiase. We believe that she will be in the embassy district. - We arrive at Ironspire, and are told to cover ourselves in "blood" to look the part. We are checked and I cas...

    12:39 pm - 08.02.2022

    Up In Arms

    - We awaken early and head down for breakfast. Someone is waiting for us at the table who is after Osbert to take him away. - We notice some comotion happening in town - I recive a not in Thunissian handwritting: "Russel will be able to meet after ...

    12:22 pm - 01.02.2022

    Chapter 16

    09:18 am - 01.02.2022

    A Fated Meeting

    - Melba asks to speak to whomever wants to speak first- Delvin stays to speak to her. We wait outside, with Satra and high preistess Sienna - Brick then talks to Melba alone. - Children of Amar have been working for sometime to dethrone the king...

    12:13 pm - 25.01.2022

    Chapter 16

    10:06 am - 25.01.2022

    Heat of the Moment

    - Hearing the comotion outside, we head downstairs to talk to the party. We notice the crowd of people gathered and fighting. My mother seems concerned this is happening and we go to see whats happening. - My mother witnesses the scene in the courtyard...

    12:07 pm - 18.01.2022

    Chapter 15

    12:04 pm - 18.01.2022

    Chapter 15

    12:01 pm - 18.01.2022

    Chapter 14

    09:32 am - 18.01.2022

    Into the Fray

    - I tell Satra that I shall meet High Presist Sienna and she meets Delvin. - We trust Satra with infomation about Midayla and ask if she can be saved, we share infomation about our magical abilities and our shared unity for the fall of Ainsleigh and The ...

    01:16 pm - 28.12.2021

    Chapter 14

    09:55 am - 28.12.2021

    Chapter 13

    09:54 am - 28.12.2021

    Oddities and Osbert

    Father is being transported from stockton currently through ryseden I pen a message to my mother to deliver asap, that tells her the day we will be arriving. I also pen a message to Aydelyn, asking if his wife has found her missing student. The gr...

    12:16 pm - 21.12.2021

    Chapter 13

    10:36 am - 21.12.2021

    Chapter 12

    08:09 am - 20.12.2021

    Chapter 12

    08:09 am - 20.12.2021

    The Power of Magic

    - As we awake in the morning, Delvin tells, Edgar has discovered location of my father. - I make my way to the political district to find out how the road to Bartwell keep is - Everyone in town is talking about magic and king of flames. More people ...

    12:43 pm - 14.12.2021

    Chapter 11

    09:44 am - 14.12.2021

    The Room Where It Happened

    We arrive at Ainselighs mannor were a Dozen or more guests with us, Harold, Alysse, Ainsleigh... Ainsleigh is know for trading weath and art, is very much into gambling and horses. I ask him to look over the paintings that I have brought with me. ...

    12:12 pm - 07.12.2021

    Chapter 11

    10:09 am - 07.12.2021

    Chapter 10

    09:46 am - 07.12.2021

    Chapter 10

    09:46 am - 07.12.2021


    On journey has finally reached Geldervale. While being checked over with little trouble, we are approached by Regionald who says Ainsleigh has a place for us to stay in the city, he wishes for us to join him for dinner- which we agree too. We make ...

    08:03 am - 01.12.2021

    Chapter 9

    06:02 am - 28.11.2021

    Veiled Intent

    - Midayla wakes me from sleep - I play a ballad from Midayla's homeland, she is overwhemeled and opens up to me about her vivid dreams - I tell Midayla that music is not allowed to be played by females, and we must keep it a secret. - We head out to...

    05:39 am - 27.11.2021

    Chapter 9

    10:01 am - 23.11.2021

    Chapter 8

    02:22 am - 21.11.2021

    Chapter 8

    02:22 am - 21.11.2021

    Hostile Encounters

    - We awaken from our long nights journey in Ironeye. I am able play my harp and attempt a Thunissian tune but bearly manage (Mana 2) - The party comes to the revelation that Brick has lost his glasses and is blind without them. - We can hear rowdy n...

    02:30 am - 16.11.2021

    Chapter 7

    02:27 am - 09.11.2021

    The Eye Made of Iron

    - I awake from a horrible nights sleep at Lilith's with the prophecey's words keepinh me from slumber, but is able to play harp peacefully. - I exspress my concern for lilth's safety to Midayla but am reassured she will be okay - While staying her pl...

    02:20 am - 09.11.2021

    Chapter 7

    12:05 am - 09.11.2021

    Chapter 6

    11:34 pm - 08.11.2021

    Nature's Fury

    - We being travelling towards the town of Ironeye, it is uneventful for the most part until the sun begins to set. - Towards us, we see a girl up ahead, arguning with four men with a cage. We observe the girl becoming overprotective with the animal and f...

    02:05 am - 19.10.2021

    Chapter 6

    12:11 am - 19.10.2021

    Chapter 5

    08:03 am - 16.10.2021

    Voice on the Wind

    - I am shooken with a booming voice that fills the room. It tells me of a rise that is to begin in Sunder. - I present myself to Elspeth who reads my fotune for me, poorly. I am lead to believe that she is not of magic ability. - We all enter the Inn,...

    02:44 am - 12.10.2021


    01:24 am - 12.10.2021

    Well, glad I didnt waste my coin on that fotune teller...

    12:43 am - 12.10.2021

    Chapter 5

    12:29 am - 12.10.2021

    Chapter 4

    02:50 am - 28.09.2021

    Chapter 4

    02:49 am - 28.09.2021

    Turning Tides

    - The party and mysself are headding to the (less populated) Inn for the afternoon and logings for then night. - I notice Kale the inn keeper, who appears to be a friend of Delvin's. - I read Kale's emotions. He seems worried about something greater ...

    02:27 am - 28.09.2021

    Chapter 3

    09:24 pm - 27.09.2021

    The Proclamation

    - We awoke to a beautiful and peacful morning in Fellbrooke. Upon tunning my harp Midayla noticed me playing and tunning it. I brushed it off as nothing, im still not sure why I do it, I just have this strong need to. - Devlin and I attend the meeting ...

    02:09 am - 22.09.2021

    Chapter 3

    12:32 am - 22.09.2021

    Chapter 2

    03:23 am - 14.09.2021

    On the Road to FellBrook

    - Katalina begins her journey to FellBroke with Midayla, Brick and Delvin. Party as a cart loaded with fake paintings and rations. - After jounring for serval hours a man apprcoahes, Barry, limping and stuggling to carry a small weak child. - He warn...

    03:14 am - 14.09.2021

    Man, this woman is really starting to get on my nerves. I should do something...

    02:32 am - 14.09.2021

    Chapter 2

    01:29 am - 14.09.2021

    The King of Flames

    - Soot covered woman runs towards Adylan and I, claiming 'The King of Flames' has reeked havoic on the town. - Arriving in town, we confirm ewith the local militia what has been happening, and advises it is best to leave town. - I relieve Adylan of his ...

    03:56 am - 07.09.2021

    Chapter 1

    03:53 am - 07.09.2021

    Watching Brick devour a cart load of eggs was a good start to the morming.

    03:21 am - 07.09.2021

    Chapter 1

    01:35 am - 07.09.2021

    Chapter 0

    08:32 am - 04.09.2021

    Chapter 0

    05:36 am - 04.09.2021

    Met two nice Grey Guard men that lead us through the forest, they talk do tend to talk a lot, nice folk.

    03:53 am - 31.08.2021

    Journey's Beginning

    - Started trading art and goods in the local area. Katalina is on her way to Fleton. in order to verify an art trade that is happening. - Aylard, my Thusnissian companion, whom I met in a nearby town, accompanies me. He carries a bow and staff by his sid...

    03:50 am - 31.08.2021

    Played by

    Other Characters by DesignerGeekJen