Goblin is a chaotic race created by Loki to bring chaos amongst Suonenjoki.
Basic Information
They have flat faces, sloped back forehead, broad noses, pointed ears, and small, sharp fangs. and their eyes vary in color from red to yellow. Their skin color ranges from yellow through any shade of orange to a deep red, though they also come in shades of green. All members of the same tribe normally share the same skin color.
Ecology and Habitats
They live most of the times in plain terrains and sometimes can be found underground.
Dietary Needs and Habits
They usually hunt settlements and spread chaos.
Additional Information
Social Structure
They live in tribes, with hierarchy based on their military prowess.
Geographic Origin and Distribution
All around the world.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Civilization and Culture
Naming Traditions
- Menneskespyd
Major Language Groups and Dialects
- Ghukliak
- Orcish
- Yipyak
Interspecies Relations and Assumptions
They are considered a nuisance by all the other races.