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Celestis Branch

This squad predates SIVIC by over a century, but its function was so similar to what SIVIC aimed to accomplish when it was founded that they simply folded the group in. Now, it's as much a normal team as any.   Mostly. It has one special function that holds over from before. They have to guard Celestis' Wings.  

Ensuring a Return

  Before she left the planet, Celestis got a bunch of her friends and made them promise to guard her wings and return them to her when she needed them. Interestingly, she didn't tie this to their actual descendants but merely insisted that they find people after them to keep the pledge. Everything in her language indicated that she planned on coming back.   That was the mid 1800s. They are still waiting, and show no sign of questioning whether or not Celestis will come back for the wings. Which is fair, considering her powers gave every indication that she had stopped aging after a while.  

Not Easy

  The wings make a tempting target for a lot of different people, not all of whom are villains. You do get the basics of people trying to steal it just because it's hard to do, but you also get some museums attempting to claim a "historical artifact", governments throwing around their authority, and the odd do-gooder who thinks they're more capable than the team of protecting the wings. There's also the looneys who just want to use the wings, but they supposedly destroy people other than Celestis who use them so that option doesn't get a lot of traction.   The people guarding the wings are devoted in their belief that Celestis will return. It's their primary qualification. Which makes it a fun kind of job since they're committed to training you to do that well. And they don't just guard, either. There's also teams who try and figure out where Celestis went, what she's been up to, and when she might come back.


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