Eternal Swish Physical / Metaphysical Law in Superheroes Assorted | World Anvil
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Eternal Swish

The area known as Villain Central is rife with unusual weather patterns, but it all stems from one central phenomenon that I like to call the Eternal Swish, because "eternal storm" sounds pretentious. Even if it is accurate.   A/n: This should be your first clue that she had something to do with it. For as grandiose as Ruby Gray likes to be, she also tends to prefer to stay under the radar unless it's one of the specific things that she wanted everyone to know about. So take whatever she says with a grain of salt.   It appeared about seven years ago and resulted in the creation of the VC, creating a kind of boundary around the perpetual swirling vortex.   It's not a tornado, though. Or a proper storm, since it doesn't follow the usual patterns. It might look like a storm, but it's not a storm. And it may or may not do anything other than just look like a storm.   A/n: It's responsible for generating the weird weather patterns in the area, in addition to causing the phenomenon that occasionally turns off gravity and generates severe and unpredictable winds.  

Only From the Side

  It does really look like a storm, when viewed from the side. A great column of black and gray cloud, leveling off at about two thousand feet above the ground. Approximately. Not like I measured or anything.   The view from above and below is rather unusual. Instead of the usual galaxy swirl, it forms a series of rings, where the internal rings are known to shift color on occasion. At the center, instead of an eye, there is a fluffy white ball about one hundred meters in diameter.


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