Villain Central Geographic Location in Superheroes Assorted | World Anvil
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Villain Central

It's not technically its own country, but also neither of the nations that it encroaches on are willing to step in and enforce their own laws, so really, it's a country. But legally, it's an area. An "Unsettled Area" going by official records.   VC is composed of parts of North Dakota, Montana, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. There's no official borders, and yet somehow there's a very clear line where you shift from Canada/USA into this area. There are a few similar areas across the globe, where those outside regular law have carved out unacknowledged spaces, but this one happens to be my favorite.   I would not recommend going here, and not just because you're probably not a villain. It's because the whole region is unstable.  

We Do Just Fine

  Due to an event that will be specified elsewhere, VC is environmentally unsound. It's not about to self-destruct, but it doesn't really match what it used to be, and it doesn't remain the same long enough to properly classify it.   It's great for hiding out, building secret bases, generally avoiding the law. It's also great for testing things under a variety of environmental conditions because the weather is insane.   Interestingly, the weather follows fairly predictable patterns. Granted, it's affected by outside weather so it doesn't exactly follow a schedule, but there is a basic sequence of weather events that happens that are then altered in turn by the more meteorologically sound events outside of the area.   They get just about everything: drought, hurricanes, tornados, spontaneous volcanoes, earthquakes, blizzards, and more. Everything except tsunamis. It's not near a coast and there's not enough water for giant waves.   It makes it a great place to avoid law enforcement while also having a good way to test devices under extreme conditions.   There's a perpetual storm at the center that I like to call the Eternal Swish .
Alternative Name(s)
The Erratic Zone, the Unsettled Area
Vehicles Present
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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