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TGB Foundation

A lot of superheroes have useful powers, but no avenue to use them for good without exposing their secret identities. I aimed to change that.
— The founder of the Time Give Back Foundation
  It's cheesy as anything, but it does exactly what it says it will. The TGB Foundation (always abbreviated, only used in full by people mocking them or by people too pretentious for their own good) gives Enhanced people a way to connect with projects that could go faster with their particular talents.  


  A lot of people with powers don't particularly want others knowing that they have them. This can be for a reason as dramatic as wanting to avoid a supervillain, or something as simple as not wanting neighbors to use you for unpaid labor without so much as a thank you.   TGB aims to provide anonymity in two ways. First, they provide identity obscuring tech so that people can't identify participants, as well as supplying pseudonyms. Even known superheroes have been known to change things up to fit the program.   Second, they randomize locations. If someone is worried that they'll give away their general location by only helping out close to them, TGB offers missions and provides day-of transport that usually involves teleportation, so that it's harder to narrow down.  


  Their other focus as a charitable organization is looking to the smaller tasks. They leave big cleanups or storm relief to larger organizations or governments. The projects that they collect are the smaller ones. People needing help ask on something like a job board, TGB vets for safety concerns, and then they help find a super with an appropriate power.   Of course it's not always perfect, but in general they've gotten people who want to help connected with people who need help, and quickly.


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