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They are not a different species, simply enhanced.
Superpowers and Their Place in Society, by Elizabeth Winthrop (1909)
  Thank you so much, Lizzie, for giving us our official moniker. It's dumb and you should be embarrassed.   She's right, though. Powered people have been around for quite a while on this world. While a few got their powers from alien interbreeding, the vast majority simply popped up out of nowhere, steadily growing more and more common until they've become not just an outlier, but a prominent minority group. Not a separate species, precisely. Just plain old humans with a few oddities tacked on.  

All Lumped Together

  It seems silly to lump all enhanced people into one broad cultural category, but it fits. Despite coming from different countries and backgrounds, there are a lot of commonalities.   One of the biggest things that the enhanced have in common is how they can be viewed. There are a lot of people out there who view those with powers with awe, as if they're somehow better and their powers don't usually come with their own set of issues.   Granted, most of those problems can be classified as "now everyone wants me to do things," not unlike winning the lottery, but there can be a few physical problems associated with someone's abilities.  

The Moniker

  Of course, to combat the attention that having powers brings, negative and positive alike, most people will obscure their faces and adopt a pseudonym so that most people cannot properly identify them. This is probably one of the most common things that an enhanced will do. We all do it. If you know someone with powers and they claim they don't have an alter ego name, they're lying. Even if they've never used it, they'll have thought about it.


Shared customary codes and values

There's the general understanding that the rule of law still applies to you, it just might be applied by someone like Tempero instead of the police. If someone does get a swelled head and think they're above the law, there's always someone with a similar power to pop that bubble.

Major organizations

SIVIC is noteworthy in that they tend to take on monitoring and policing enhanced people. It's their whole purpose for existing, really.
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