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The Four Armed Warriors

The Tagotan Musclera (Brutius) is a large, powerful species native to the planet Y'slan. With their powerful builds, they were warriors and conquerors of their home planet, but after Zagara abducted them, they were permanently relocated to Elil. They are one of the most plentiful races that can be found on Elil and are one of the 11 most documented races on Elil. They are known to have a rigid tribal structure with an emphasis on both tradition and music in their culture and people.

Basic Information


The Brutius Race is a red-skinned, bipedal mammal race. It has two heavily muscled legs that support a much broader body with four immense arms. Due to their top heavy nature Brutius commonly walk like gorillas, using their top two arms for pertaining tasks.. Although its mouth is similar to humans', its canines are much larger, with their bottoms almost tusklike compared to humans. This tends to give them a prominent underbite.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Brutius race breeds via sexual reproduction, Requiring both a male and a female. The children of Brutiuses will incubate in a female Brutius's womb, growing over a span of several months.

Growth Rate & Stages

The lifespan of a brutius was on average around 40 years on their homeplanet, but due to the less brutal lifestyle of Elil, it seems that their lifespan is increasing. Though their maturity rate is still the same, at around 12 years of age. Though in brutius culture, you are not considered an adult until you turn 15, and hunt your first prey.

Ecology and Habitats

The planet of Y’slan was brutal and unforgiving and had extreme environments at all corners of its globe. The Brutius often located themselves in mountainous terrain near placid grasslands or in the vast jungles around their world. Though the Brutius did conquer every corner of its planet, they still stayed in their more comfortable areas. Much like Gorillas and other Apes, Brutius like swinging and being high up. Not only that, but they are pack based and hate to be solitary. Due to this, Brutius cities used to be large dome-like structures with tons and tons of homes built at any elevation of both the inside and outside with streetlamps and other decorations thick enough for Brutius to climb and Swing from. 

Dietary Needs and Habits

Brutius are omnivorous but lean towards carnivorous due to their increased need for protein to keep up their immense musculature.

Biological Cycle

As Brutius gets older and older with no competition or danger, they become frailer and weaker similar to that of a Human, but unlike Humans, age does not always mean growing weaker. Brutius with stress, trail, and other dangers tend to get stronger and stronger as they grow older. They may physically look aged but their skin becomes nigh unbreakable, muscles continue to grow, and bones reinforce instead of Atrophy. A wound on a brutius is never a detriment for long and only moves to strengthen it.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The Brutius's despite their looks are not a stupid race and have an IQ level of 85-100 reaching the early space age in 2 Millennium since the start of their civilizations. They are very clever hunters proven by the fact their prehistoric hunting tactics still hold up in their modern military structure.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

One of the most major Organizations within Brutius society is The New Age.

Average Technological Level

The Brutius had a civilization that was teetering upon the space age- ready to send their first rocket to the moon when Zagara attacked. Now they have been reduced to a civilization based upon tribalism losing much of their identity as they slay the wild Zagara beasts as a tribal race.

Common Etiquette Rules

Though Brutius's commonly stand on their feet and knuckles, in the Presence of a chief or other person of importance it is always respectful to stand straight up upon your legs.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Right of Passage

One of the biggest customs of the Brutius even carrying over from their homeworld is their rights of passage. Every Brutius knows some basic form of craftsmanship as once a Brutius hits the age of 12 their father and them will go out collecting materials to craft their first ever set of armor. Months prior their father would be teaching them crafting methods leading to this great trial amongst Brutius culture. This armor will be the armor that will be worn once they turn of age. At 15 when a Brutius comes of age in their tribe or society they are sent upon their first hunt alone. They are expected to find a beast of equal challenge, strike it down, and return with the carcass of the prey where a great feast is held in the honor of the child. In some cultures the dinners is the beast they hunt encouraging the children to kill large prey, in other cultures the beast is cooked and served amongst the child and father.


Music was cherished in Brutius tradition. One of the greatest jobs besides the chief was the Battle Musician. A musician that plays music for their soldiers and civilians and weaving stories at events or anytime. Closest to the chief himself was a Battle Musician that would grant advice and bring joy to a chief. In modern society a battle musician is a highly respected tradition to the Brutius and have happily taken to Elil's wide variety of music.


The Brutius were born upon the world of Y'slan growing from water based creatures that settled in rocky environments. They grew with their early lifeforms consisting of Mega Fauna averaging the size of elephants. This was the case for the land, water, and sky. The Mountains were natural protection from the animals and the Brutius's grew content with their living spaces around the world. They formed close knit hunting clans but as time went on they went from the mountains to the plains always sticking close to their homes. At one point domesticating large terror bird like animals known as Kumanchala.    The Brutius developed with a rich warrior history valuing Masculinity, Music, Hunting, and Craftsmanship. They kept much of their history alive and traditions as they grew into farming towns to large cities much like a modern first world country. Sadly it all fell apart when one nation launched their first Brutius onto the moon. They lost contact as a massive vessel appeared within the orbit of their world belonging to the Queen of all Thetasites, Zagara. The Brutius people retreated back to the mountains where for years they fended off the invasion of Zagara. Before long the world was in ruins. Great cities crumbled to ash and all the progress made was reduced back to the stone age.

Common Myths and Legends

The Gorefather

The Gorefather is a beast, a physical manifestation of bloodlust to the Brutius. The title is one to be both feared and revered, for the Gorefather is more akin to a natural disaster than a living being. It is said in Brutius legend that when the Brutius were new to their world, they were nothing more than savage animals. The violence of today would not compare to the brutality of their race. One day a creature far more terrifying then any of them would surface, one nicknamed the "Gorefather" wielding a mask made of the shards of his victims and two axes known as the Slaughter Siblings made from the Femurs of their own kind. The Gorefather would slaughter everyone and anyone without fail. Even Y'slans titans fell to the Gorefather. The Gorefather had purged the savage, and what remained was smarter and tactful, who had learned how to collect in tribes to protect themselves from the Gorefather.    It is believed the race's savagery and bloodlust are all held within the Gorefather, and if his cycle of "reincarnation" were ever to end, they would revert to savage beasts. The Gorefather continues to be a prevalent and very real legend amongst their people and the current Gorefather is a Brutius known as Eddie.

The Gorehunger

  The Gorehunger is a dangerous mental disease that affects one in every one hundred brutius. The New Age believes that the "Gorefather" is just a brutius afflicted with a more advanced and rampant strain of the Gorehunger.   The Gorehunger itself is a disease that makes a Brutius addicted to the kill. It does not always surface right away, but when it does a Brutius will find themselves enjoying the kill more and more and gaining satisfaction from it. Eventually, what they are killing isn't enough, and soon, they desire more and more. When that desire is fed, it only speeds the rampancy of the Gorehunger until soon, when their eyes are upon their own people. As the illness progresses, Brutius forgets more and more memories until they remember nothing. Brutiuses who are afflicted with Gorehunger can suffer serious withdrawal symptoms if they don't satisfy their craving to slaughter.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Tagotan Musclera
40 Years
Average Height
7 Feet
Average Weight
600-800 Lbs
Geographic Distribution


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