BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Cain Dalum

Cain Dalum (a.k.a. Tapestry)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was adopted by a very rich family named the Dalums. He had very good life growing up with his 2 brothers and sister, living in a large mansion apart from civilization. Though his parents were very nice people to Cain and his brothers and sister, they were adamant in their hatred for superzzz, he never understood why, just small angry phone calls and conversations had led to that conclusion. Eventually when he was 12 during one of his homeschooling lessons, when he started doodling in his arm, something popped out. He was scared remembering all those conversations, but they were his parents, they would still love him, right?He decided he would still kept it hidden, for now at least. Months went by with him only every using his power a single time until he discovered something. He overhead a phone call his mother was on, he didn’t understand everything that was being said but he understood something. She was trafficking Superzzz. He was scared to death, how long would he have to hide this? Forever? They dread hung over him and eventually it was too much, so in a spur of the moment decision he ran away. He eventually found a city and with no place to go, he stayed on the streets. Days full of regret and hunger went by before someone found him, someone who said they knew how he felt and what he was going through and that they could help and all he needed to do was come with them, so he did. He was brought to an encampment full people who had nowhere to go. Cain told the person everything that happened and they made an agreement, if he would help them with his powers, then they would give him a place to stay, food to eat, a family. So for the next 3 years he helped them with ‘jobs’, supplies, or just anything he could be used for, but this couldn’t last forever. One day a gang war broke out with them right in the middle of it, and he was forced to run again. Both his family he had lost, now he really had nowhere to go. He thought about trying to go back to his real family but what would they think if he showed his face after 3 years for being gone. He wandered, aimlessly until he found his way to CARE. With both of his families he could never really use what was gifted to him, he had to hide them or only use them when they were needed. Maybe, just maybe, he could do some good with them.

Gender Identity





He was homeschooled till he was 13 and hasn’t had an actual education since



Accomplishments & Achievements

First tattoo

Failures & Embarrassments

Failure of first job with gang,

Mental Trauma

The loss of his first and second family don’t effect Cain as much anymore but have left him mentally younger and made him cling to any kind of attention and leaving him putting that attention above anything else including his morals or self interest.

Intellectual Characteristics

He has a very good hold of fighting tactics and strategy.

Morality & Philosophy

He does not condone killing but at the same time believes that people deserve punishment for crimes they have done but with how things are going in the world, punishment doesn’t tend to find people who deserve it, so sometimes it needs to be taken into your own hands.
Date of Birth
11th of November
Masculine - Usually large hoodies and jeans
Dark Brown, curly, poofy, red highlights down the middle
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, small scars along his body
124 lbs
Known Languages
English, some Spanish from when he was younger


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