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Callum William Frazier

Callum Frazier (a.k.a. Traffic Stop)


Vial of Calamity   Oni’s Wrath

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Callum's Physical body is heavily freckled and has a few surgery scars that run along his spine and down his left Hip. He has a small limp on his left foot, which is barely noticeable when he rolls around on his rollerblades. He is a bit built but slightly chubby otherwise.

Identifying Characteristics

Callum's most identifying features are the colorful changes to his eyes and clothes when he switches between what colors he is currently using.

Physical quirks

Overuse of his powers cause him to temporarily go blind.

Special abilities

Red Light - People within a certain radius in view (also based on how much power/stamina is used) will cause everyone or a specific person to lock up and freeze.   Yellow Light: Gives Him a speed boost mainly to movement speed and attack speed.   Black Light: Gravity Manipulation

Mental characteristics

Personal history

INFANCY - TODDLERHOOD | Callum Frazier was born an only child. Born to Annalise Herigan and William Frazier on May 17th, 2038. His father was a police officer, working long days and nights to help support his family, while Annalise was a Hero by the name of Alter. Her powers were Manipulation, which allowed her to manipulate certain Terrains, Bodies, and other forms of objects to do her bidding. Callum’s home life was happy and healthy, at least from what he remembered. He grew his powers at the age of 4, though his ability to hear would begin to deteriorate over the course of a few years after the sickness had taken full effect. At 7, Callum would be profoundly deaf, Unable to hear the world around him.   WAR FOR UNION | The war for Union occurred at the age of 5. He would be hidden and tucked away in a safe area with some family friends and relatives, waiting for the fighting to the end. Explosions, fires, screaming, gunfire. There wasn’t a moment where things seemed to get peaceful. The world would crumble and fall around the young boy, literally. The ceiling and roof above came crashing down, caving in his skull and crushing his body under piles of rubble. The few people with him were found dead, while he was clinging to life. His mother would later be killed in the Battle.   AFTER THE WAR | He would go through extensive surgeries and make a full recovery. Going through Physical therapy, his Father decided to put Callum into kids with disabilities programs and small camps. Over the years, Mr. Frazier would distance away from Callum, as he never finished grieving the loss of the love of his life... but he still tried to be there and do what he thought was best for his son. He put Callum into his grandmother’s care, allowing her to Raise him. Resentment grew between them. The kid did everything he could to get validation from his father, or to feel seen… But it always seemed never to work... which lead him to C.A.R.E.

Gender Identity

He sees himself as a He/Him


His Sexuality is Straight | Asexual


Callum is a Student at C.A.R.E. currently training to be apart of the next generation of heros.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Callum's taking his first steps into Accomplishments, but Monsters rights feel like his largest Achievement so far in his journey.

Mental Trauma

Callum has undergone numerous traumas, but the most occurring is his own death... and the Mind Rape of Huricain, Prince of all Monsters.

Morality & Philosophy

Callum believes civilians and his Team's lives come first, no matter what. He will put himself into harms way for them to be sure they get out of there.

Personality Characteristics


Callum's Motivation is to prove he can be a hero and save the people around him. He's wanted to be one ever since he was a little kid, and the goal has never left.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes |
  • Baking
  • Rollerblading
  • Collecting Cards
Dislikes |
  • Deer
  • Using Curse Words
  • Pink Men

Personality Quirks

He ruffles up his nose when he lies and tends to pick at his nails and hair when he's nervous or thinking.

Wealth & Financial state

Callum comes from a Comfortable lifestyle.
Current Status
Hero In Training
Current Location
Date of Birth
May 17th
Union City
Current Residence
C.A.R.E. Dorms
Large Sparkling Green Eyes
Short Fluffy Brown Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Freckled SKin
147 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Red Light!"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English, a small hair of Spanish, Lip Reading and Sign Language.


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