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Eamon Valerie (Ee-mahn Vahl-er-ee)

Eamon Monticello Valerie (a.k.a. Argus)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Living with only his mom and dad in a cabin in the woods, they had a peaceful life. Before a group of bandits raided their home. His father dying as he tried protecting Eamon and his mother. The bandits were about to kill his mother next, but that's when Eamon's powers awakened and he sent out a powerful all-out blast of energy ahead, killing all the bandits in one go. But sadly...his mother was caught in the crossfire and was turned into ashes, just like the bandits. Eamon buried his dad's body and his mother's ashes into the soil with his body in absolute remorse and left home, going to the dangerous bustling city life and leaving the calming nature. After his long adventure, he then lived in an alley somewhere at Butcher' under a makeshift cardboard home and making do in his life by doing simple gigs like mowing people's lawns, cleaning windows, and scrubbing rust and dirt off walls, of course he was also surviving in fear- avoiding dangerous criminal gangs as much as possible. Leaving never made it better, Eamon was spiraling down into depression, but he never wanted to make it obvious to the people around him, even himself. The only people he's been with and loved are now dead, now Eamon has to move on by himself. Then he found out about C.A.R.E. and the Hero School due to overhearing chatter about it. He courageously asked about where it is to a stranger, to which they surprisingly answered. That became his new goal which was finding the school, thus he packed his things, put it in his well worn out backpack and sought out to the Hero School where he entered, enrolled and now currently stays, doing the best he can and making connections as he builds back up what he lost- the soft, warm feeling of fulfillment and the feeling of being part of a family or at least something damn well close to one. He wishes to avenge his parents by obligating to protect those who can't protect themselves.   If only his parents could see him now, they would be so proud of him.

Gender Identity





Homeschooled(before), Hero School


Freelancing student.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Survived living alone in Butchers during his youth. Survived being tortured by Deadmetal Fanatics after a mission failure. Took down a multitude of small monsters for his team.

Failures & Embarrassments

He was captured by Deadmetal Fanatics. He accidentally burnt line markings on the hallway of the school. He broke his noise after mishandling a firearm. He broke Toga's brass knuckles He failed to fight back against a mech during the Deadmetal Fanatics gang war, this is when he first overloaded and caused a massive explosion...and a massive cost of collateral damage. He got donuted through his abdomen after trying to ""courageously"" fight. Eamon has never been to the clinic yet himself after his ""broken nose"" incident.

Mental Trauma

Eamon suffers PTSD after witnessing the death of his father and being the cause of his mother's death. After the Deadmetal Fanatics incident, being tortured and captured- he developed insecurities of ""not being enough"" and fears he's deadweight, after that- he tries desperately to prove himself which ends up with him ignoring consequences and getting beat down and punished for it by the enemy. After spending his youth alone in Butchers, he developed trust issues and has social anxiety. Despite wanting to make friends- he struggles to socialize.

Intellectual Characteristics

Eamon has discovered many creative ways to charge up his energy without getting hurt too much such as utilizing friction, mild to moderate heat, or even clashing his fists together to generate some energy without going through too much pain. Also discovering creative ways to dispense his energy. Even when Eamon seems to panic- he tries his best to keep composed. His parents taught him to ""Always find the key to every locked door."" His parents also taught him to always keep as calm as possible even in the harshest situations. Given the time...Eamon can cook up a plan that could have a good outcome. His go to plan is usually himself being a loud distraction while his other team mates can do what they need to do easily.

Morality & Philosophy

"I didn't want my powers to go to waste, I wish to protect those who can't protect themselves. If the strong prey on the weak then I believe the strongER protect the weak." -Eamon replying to Toga's question "Why did you join CARE?" during his first day in CARE.   Eamon as Argus, it is his duty to safeguard the undeserving of death and suffering. He believes that no one deserves to experience what he experienced during his traumatizing early youth. He chose the alias of Argus because Argus means protector and that is the mantle he is willing to wear and if he has to kill for the greater good then so be it. His bright green light represents the glowing hope for salvation. He wishes to make his parents proud in the afterlife, saving and preserving lives.   Within the field of Ethics- Eamon is utilitarian, focusing on the greater good and lesser evil. Wanting to save as much lives as possible even if it costs a sacrifice. Sentimental value might get in the way though and affect his judgement...


Leaving anyone behind for own great good. Disrespecting someone who doesn't deserve disrespect. Being an asshole in general for no reason. Racism. Showing mental weakness or weakness in general. Dishonoring the family name. Dishonoring the dead. Performing illegal actions. Eamon's parents taught him to be a man of the law. Tries his best to not kill despite his powers having a possibility to be lethal. Letting anger take over.
Date of Birth
26th of January
Cabin in Unnamed Forest Far From Union City
Green upturned eyes
White, ear length, messy, fringe bangs
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A neutral undertone of beige
134 lbs
Known Languages
English, first language Filipino, from his mother A bit of Irish, from his father


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