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Isabella Avalos

Isabella Avalos (a.k.a. Psychadelica)

Isabella Avalos is a young child in the southernmost part of Andele experimented on by a group known as Pillar. Reports from the site claim she must have been ambushed in the jungle and forced psychedelic drugs into her system which somehow increased her power tenfold.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Psychedelica is a big threat in a little package. Short, pale, with long dark hair just like the girl in the ring.

Body Features

Her figure is very small with tiny hands and smaller feet. Her height is about 4'9" as she is only 12 years old which means she might get bigger. Isabella is lanky and petite .

Facial Features

Her face is pointed in the chin- a bit skeletal in features due to being starved and lack of food. Extremally sunken cheekbones and hollow eyes. Thin lips and thin but bushy eyebrows.

Special abilities

Psychedelica has the ability to create hallucinogenic illusions that can manipulate sight, sound, touch, taste, and hearing and can make them as real as she wants. Despite that she can also mentally imprint her existence due to her being able to access the dreams and subconscious space.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Isabella was born in The Town by the Water or El Pueblo del Rio. She was born to a Mother and a father and soon developed her power. Her power was a small ability to cast small vibrant colors but soon she came under the eye of Pillar when she was 9.    For awhile the town had children disappearing younger than 5. They were mysteriously being kidnapped by a weather company known as Pillar though in actuality it was not a weather company. Isabella was older, and wiser than the usual victim but her power could prove useful. They drew out her parents in the woods and executed them taking her and bringer her to the research center.   There she was tortured for about 3 years trapped in her Chamber of Reflection. They drugged her with their experimental drug that caused her to hallucinate which in turn amplified her power. Eventually after torture she broke past her protocol especially with the help of a guard who wasn't giving her the full doses letting her ween off of it. When she took it again her power was extreme and she killed most of the researchers.    Even with them gone she would survive off of that for months. Isabela would send powerful pulses causing superzz zto throw up and the weather to alter. Eventually CARE would arrive soon and take her out. In the rehab center of the Prison is where she would meet the man that would change her life. Robert Blue

Gender Identity

Psychadelica cannot understand much of gender as she is way too young. She hasnt really developed much emotionally and mentally.

Mental Trauma

Isabella Avalos was a child kidnapped at a young age. Her parents were exterminated by Pillar and she was brought to the Chamber of Reflection. The Chamber was an octagonal room covered with mirrors. Drugs were experimented and plucked into her system in order to amplify her powers. Due to the chamber the only one she saw was herself as she was forced to use her own psychedelic imprints upon herself. She would spend hours torturing herself till she became so addicted to the same thing that tortured her.

Personality Characteristics


Psychadelicas goal is to live day be day and follow everything Robert Blue tells her as she is the closest thing to a father figure she has left. She also wants to get her next fix which Robert Provides
Current Status
Following Robert Blue
Current Location
Date of Birth
7th of May, 2040
Current Residence
Union City
Squinty, Dark Brown
Long, Sleek, Raven black hair rolls down to her shoulder blades
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale perfect skin
Aligned Organization


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