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Luis Sanz

Luis Sanz (a.k.a. Espalda de Cuchillos)

Luis Sanz was born in Espana and became one of the greatest Luchadors in the country in the early 2028's. Eventually though his power, which he got at an early age, only grew stronger and more volatile leading to internal explosions and eventually he freak accident that turned him into a criminal.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Espalda is a build luchador from head to toe with short cut slicked back hair. Despite this he is quite fast though he walks with a limp due to the constant damage done to himself.

Special abilities

Luis's power is a constant energy buildup. No matter what he is doing the energy in his body builds up till it bursts something if its not let out. Generally just walking is enough to expel his destructive energy out. If he isnt doing that, he may die. Not only that he shows an impeccable recovery and resistance against Zerum.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Luis was born in the southern part of Espana to two trailer parents who traveled around the country doing odd jobs. His parents were loving people to him and did their best to give him the best childhood despite them not being able to set him down.   His father loved wrestling and from time to time he would take luis to wrestling matches to watch the luchadors battle in the ring. This was inspiring to the young boy who would eventually train his hardest to join the top ranks of the luchadors. At the age of 16 everything changed when Zagara attacked. His father was taken into the hive mind and his whereabouts unknown.    His mother kept on the road and due to their mobile lifestyle survived. Espalda looked for his father but found nothing and that day cemented to become a wrestler. And for years that what he went for.    His powers remined relativity dormant though they did influence his strength without his realization. He was a small town luchador for months before he was brought in to the big leagues and for the next three years would wrestle his way to the top.    Even so he would go to the hospital for damages that no one knew how he got. In reality Luis's power, since it wasnt being expelled, popped his internals. One day though it overloaded in the ring. It was a small game that ended brutally as his power exploded and splattered his opponent and everyone behind him into nothing....   From there the foundation moved in, contained him with copious amounts of zerum...and left him to rot below the Super max prision. Until that fateful day.


Luis did not have much of an education growing up and instead learned from his Madre and Padre and the people he met upon his road. They did their best to provide him an education.


Luis worked alot of jobs growing up. Mostly Mowing lawns, helping on farms, carrying objects, and other odd jobs around the towns he would stay in. Eventually he would become a Luchador and stay that way for 3 years- sending the money to his parents.

Personality Characteristics


Espaldas motivation was to become the greatest Luchador in the world in order to make his father proud. Now though with bitterness in his heart his goal is to bring down the government which wants to bring him down.
Date of Birth
5th of September, 2004
Short, brushed, back hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, Muscled Skin
Known Languages
Somewhat Fluent in English while completely fluent in Spanish.


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