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Superzzz: Alien Races and Anomalies of the Void- February Bestiary 2023

Collection of Superzzz Fauna

February 18th (Bond)
Eyreanamorphous, grey tinted race of aliens from a far off world known as Protista. They dot all over the landscape of the planet stretched out hunting for food sharing many biological traits with real world slime molds. Most Eyreans come from one queen- dripping off of her like a ball of slime and beginning their life. Despite their independence, since each eyrean is a piece of one whole they will always share a bond with their other pieces. No matter how different they are mentally they will always know when another piece is near.
February 19th (Stinky)
Corpses is a short story that takes 4 years after the Zagaras invasion taking place in union with a specialized police force comprised of aliens and humans in an attempt to show that we can all work together. When a call is made about disappearances in a neighborhood the squad is called up to investigate and old garage


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