Hank Morgan in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Hank Morgan

Hank Morgan, a somber figure in the desolate town of Midnight, takes on the role of both mortician and caretaker of the long-abandoned cemetery. His appearance matches his eerie reputation, with dark circles under his eyes and a countenance that seems to bear the weight of the deceased he tends to. Rumors swirl through the town that Hank possesses a peculiar connection to the restless spirits of the dead. Some whisper that he can communicate with the deceased, hearing their mournful voices and witnessing their tormented apparitions as they wander the cemetery grounds at night. Hank's unnerving ability is both a blessing and a curse. It allows him to sense the presence of lingering spirits, hear their forlorn cries, and even decipher their cryptic messages. His insights have, on occasion, led the living to discover long-buried secrets and bring closure to unresolved mysteries, yet, this gift comes at a heavy price. Hank's nights are haunted by vivid nightmares of the souls he has encountered, the agony and sorrow they endured in life now etched into his mind. The weight of carrying these restless spirits takes its toll on Hank's mental and emotional well-being, leaving him withdrawn and distant from the living.      
Personal History
  Hank Morgan was born and raised in Midnight, a town known for its eerie tales and unsettling history. From a young age, Hank showed a fascination with death and the afterlife, a curiosity that both intrigued and unsettled the townsfolk. Growing up with stories of restless spirits and malevolent entities, Hank's interest in the supernatural only deepened. As he reached adulthood, Hank found his calling in the funeral industry. He became the town's mortician, responsible for preparing the deceased for their final rest. Despite the unsettling nature of his profession, Hank felt a peculiar sense of comfort and connection with the deceased. He believed that in death, the souls he tended to found solace and peace, and he took pride in his role of ensuring they were laid to rest with dignity.   Over time, Hank's innate sensitivity to the spirit world became more apparent. He started experiencing strange phenomena, like hearing disembodied whispers in the funeral home or catching glimpses of shadowy figures out of the corner of his eye. The dead seemed to communicate with him in subtle ways, leaving him with an otherworldly understanding of their final wishes and desires. Word of Hank's eerie connection with the deceased spread throughout Midnight, and some began to whisper that he was either mad or cursed. As his reputation grew, so did the tales of his uncanny abilities, leading to a mix of fear and fascination from the townspeople. Despite the unsettling rumors, Hank remained committed to his work and dedicated to the souls he laid to rest, however, as the malevolent forces in Midnight began to escalate, he found himself facing darker and more sinister entities. The spirits he encountered were no longer at peace, but tormented and malevolent, seeking vengeance and inflicting terror upon the living. Haunted by these encounters, Hank's nights became plagued with vivid nightmares and the incessant whispers of the restless spirits. He became increasingly withdrawn, isolating himself from the townspeople and immersing himself in the mysteries of the spirit world.       
  Hank Morgan cuts an imposing figure in the small town of Midnight. Standing at an impressive height, he possesses a lanky and slightly hunched frame, giving him an air of both elegance and age. His age-worn face bears the marks of a life immersed in the world of the deceased, adorned with a few faint lines of wisdom and sorrow. His eyes, the color of aged whiskey, hold an intense and penetrating gaze that seems to see far beyond the physical realm. Hank's long, silvery hair cascades down his shoulders, framing his face like a ghostly shroud. A well-trimmed beard graces his chin, giving him an air of dignity and wisdom that belies his unsettling connection to the spirit world. He prefers to don a formal attire, a constant reminder of his role as the town's mortician. A worn and dark suit, adorned with a neatly pressed tie, hangs on his frame like a second skin. He moves with a strange grace, the air around him heavy with a sense of the uncanny. Hank's hands, long and slender, hold a peculiar power. Often hidden within his suit pockets, they are skilled in the art of preparing the dead for their final rest, and it's rumored that he holds the ability to sense the presence of the departed even in the living world. Despite the respect and fear that surrounds him, there's a deep sadness in Hank's eyes, as if he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Current Location
Morgan Funeral Home    
  • Age: 52
  • Sex: Male
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: White
  • Height: 6' 2"
  • Weight: 230

HP: 5

  • Body: 6
  • Strength: 4
  • Agility: 4
  • Mind: 4
  • Luck Points: 1
  • Initiative: 3
  • Stealth: 1
  • Grappling: 4
  • Melee: 3
  • Ranged: 3
  • Soak: 5
  • Dodge: 2
  • Whisperer of the Departed: Due to his deep connection to the spirits of the deceased, Hank can communicate with the lingering souls that inhabit the town. This ability allows him to gain valuable information and insights from the deceased, providing the players with vital clues and hints to navigate the dangers of Midnight. When players encounter mysterious or unresolved situations related to the deceased, they can seek Hank's assistance. If convinced to assist, Hank can offer a single interaction with a spiritual entity, acting as a proxy for the character. Through a ritualistic process, he can establish a connection with the spirit world, temporarily allowing him to speak to the departed souls. This communion is a double-edged sword, as it can reveal crucial information, but also puts the players in a vulnerable position, attracting the attention of malevolent entities that lurk in the darkness. The communication goes two ways. 
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1 + Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2 + Strength

Articles under Hank Morgan


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