Mary White in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Mary White

Mary White, a mysterious and enigmatic figure, resides on the outskirts of town, far from the prying eyes of the locals. With a reputation for being reclusive, she spends her days surrounded by a vast collection of strange and seemingly cursed objects. The townsfolk often whisper about her peculiar habits and wonder if she has dabbled in the occult to safeguard herself from the malevolent terrors that roam freely in the cursed land of Midnight. Despite her eerie reputation, the truth about Mary remains shrouded in secrecy, leaving many to speculate about the dark bargains she might have made to protect herself from the nightmarish forces that plague the town.      
Personal History
  Mary White was once a bright and promising young woman, full of dreams and aspirations. She had a deep love for antiquities and peculiar curiosities, which led her to study archaeology and folklore in college. Tragedy struck when her parents mysteriously disappeared while she was on an expedition to a remote archaeological site. Distraught and grief-stricken, Mary inherited their estate, a remote ante bellum home which contained a vast collection of strange artifacts they had collected over the years. As Mary delved into her parents' collection, she discovered that some of the items held dark and mysterious powers. Intrigued by their potential, she began to experiment with the objects, seeking answers to the enigmatic disappearance of her parents. In her quest for knowledge, Mary unknowingly stumbled upon ancient secrets and ancient texts that spoke of hidden forces and malevolent entities. In her desperation to find the truth, Mary made a fateful choice. She sought guidance from a reclusive figure rumored to possess arcane knowledge. This figure, rumored to have been Anisgaya Ugalisgi, offered her a deal, a pact that would grant her protection from the supernatural horrors that plagued Midnight but at a great cost. Blinded by grief and driven by the desire for answers, Mary accepted the deal without fully comprehending its consequences. From that moment on, Mary isolated herself from the townspeople, becoming a recluse in her parents' estate. She continued her studies, unlocking ancient spells and incantations that offered some semblance of protection against the malevolent entities that roamed the cursed land, however, with each spell she mastered, a part of her soul seemed to darken, and an eerie aura surrounded her.      
  Mary White, a woman in her late thirties, stands with an air of mystery and a haunting aura. Her once vibrant eyes, now tinged with an otherworldly gleam, hold a hint of sorrow and secrets untold. Her ebony hair tumbles in unruly waves, falling over her shoulders. Clad in long, flowing dresses that seem to merge with the shadows, she moves with an eerie grace, as if she's a part of the mysteries she seeks. Her skin, the color of rich mahogany, carries a certain ethereal glow, and a few subtle tattoos peek out from beneath her clothing, hinting at ancient symbols and forgotten spells. Around her neck, she wears a pendant fashioned from a strange gemstone, which seems to pulse faintly with an inner light. Despite the dark rumors that shroud her, there's a certain allure in her presence. Though her features are beautiful, there's an aura of melancholy and sadness that surrounds her. With each step she takes, it's as if she treads on the border between our world and the realm of the unknown, forever seeking answers that lie beyond the veil of Midnight's darkness.
Current Location
The White Estate    
  • Age: 37
  • Sex: Female
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Black
  • Height: 5' 7"
  • Weight: 110

HP: 5

  • Body: 4
  • Strength: 4
  • Agility: 3
  • Mind: 6
  • Luck Points: 2
  • Initiative: 3
  • Stealth: 3
  • Grappling: 2
  • Melee: 4
  • Ranged: 5
  • Soak: 3
  • Dodge: 5
  • Cursed Knowledge: Being a recluse with an extensive collection of strange and seemingly cursed objects, Mary possesses knowledge about the unique artifacts of power hidden throughout Midnight. If a player gains her trust and proves their worth, Mary can aid them in locating and utilizing these mysterious items, granting them a general location of one of the game's randomly placed Artifacts, however, Mary's assistance comes at a price, as she requires something valuable in return, and players must be cautious not to become entangled in the dark bargains she has made to protect herself from the horrors of Midnight, as Mary will often attempt to weave these deals in a way that brings the artifact back to her...with or without the character that possessed it. 
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1 + Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2 + Strength

Articles under Mary White


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