Rick Anderson in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Rick Anderson

Rick Anderson is a middle-aged man with a rugged appearance, his once-strong build now marred by the weight of his troubled past. His eyes hold a haunted look, a reflection of the horrors he witnessed during his time as a police officer. His unkempt beard and disheveled appearance give him an aura of someone who has lost their way. Rick's journey into alcoholism began after a routine investigation turned into a nightmarish encounter with an otherworldly entity in the shadows of Midnight. The horrifying sight shattered his belief in the normalcy of the world, leaving him with a deep sense of paranoia and mistrust. Unable to cope with the trauma, he turned to alcohol as a means of escape, drowning his memories and fears in a numbing haze. Despite his troubled state, Rick's knowledge of the town and its dark secrets makes him a valuable asset to those seeking answers about the malevolent forces that lurk in Midnight, however, his unpredictable behavior and emotional instability can make him a liability as well, as his actions are influenced by the ghosts of his past.      
Personal History
  Rick Anderson was once a dedicated and upstanding police officer in Humphreys County. He took pride in his role as a protector of the community, always striving to maintain law and order. But his life took a dark turn during a routine investigation that would change him forever.   It was a cold and dreary night when Rick received a call about a possible break-in at an abandoned house on the outskirts of town. As he arrived at the scene, a sense of foreboding crept over him, as if an invisible hand was warning him to turn away. Ignoring the feeling, he ventured into the dilapidated house, his flashlight illuminating the decaying interior. As he explored the darkened rooms, Rick's heart pounded in his chest. The air felt heavy, and the silence was suffocating. Suddenly, he heard a faint whisper, barely audible, calling his name from the shadows. Fear gripped him, but he pressed on, determined to see this through. In the back of the house, he stumbled upon a hidden chamber, adorned with strange symbols and unsettling artifacts. As he investigated further, a horrifying presence manifested before him, a nightmarish creature that defied explanation. The encounter was beyond comprehension, and the sight of the otherworldly entity haunted Rick's nightmares for weeks. Unable to explain what he had witnessed, he withdrew from his duties as an officer, plagued by paranoia and distrust. The trauma shattered his sense of reality and left him questioning everything he once believed. Desperate to escape the nightmares that tormented him, Rick turned to alcohol as a coping mechanism. He retreated from society, becoming a recluse on the outskirts of Midnight, haunted by the memories of that fateful night. His life became a downward spiral of isolation and self-destruction, distancing himself from friends and family.      
  Rick Anderson is a man in his mid-40s, with a once-strong and imposing presence now shadowed by weariness and inner turmoil. His tall, broad-shouldered frame carries the weight of the world, and his face bears the lines of countless sleepless nights and haunting memories. His dark, expressive eyes were once filled with determination and courage, but now they hold a distant, haunted look that seems to stare right through you. His short-cropped hair, once neatly groomed, now appears unkempt and slightly disheveled, reflecting his withdrawn state. Rick's strong jawline is now softened by the subtle signs of stress, and a five-o'clock shadow often adorns his face, hinting at the time he spends alone and disconnected from society. Despite the exhaustion that etches his features, there's a hint of lingering charisma that still shines through when he occasionally musters a smile. He often dresses in worn-out jeans and a faded leather jacket, the uniform of a man who no longer cares about appearances. His once-meticulous police attire is now replaced by a casual and disheveled look, a reflection of the turmoil within him. Although he may seem unapproachable and distant, there is a flicker of vulnerability that peeks through his tough exterior. It's as if a part of him longs for connection and understanding, but fear and trauma hold him captive, preventing him from fully embracing the world around him.
Current Location
The Junction    
  • Age: 46
  • Sex: Male
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Black
  • Height: 6' 1"
  • Weight: 235

HP: 5

  • Body: 5
  • Strength: 5
  • Agility: 4
  • Mind: 3
  • Luck Points: 1
  • Initiative: 4
  • Stealth: 3
  • Grappling: 4
  • Melee: 4
  • Ranged: 5
  • Soak: 4
  • Dodge: 3
  • Haunted Insights: Due to his traumatic past and his keen observations as a former police officer, Rick possesses a unique ability to detect hidden clues and uncover secrets that others might overlook. If a character can gain Rick's trust, he can guide them in investigating the mysteries of Midnight, leading them to important locations, unraveling cryptic symbols, or providing valuable information about the malevolent entities haunting the town, adding a +3 to any rolls involved in those activities, however, his mental state is fragile, and relying too much on his abilities may push him closer to the edge, risking unpredictable behavior or lapsing into his struggles with alcoholism with a 1 in 6 chance of him becoming spooked and returning the the Junction and the comfort of the bottle whenever he engages in investigative work or encounters a malevolent or otherworldly creature.  
  • Glock 17: Range 50 meters, damage: 4+Agility
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1 + Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2 + Strength

Articles under Rick Anderson


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