Thomas Caldwell in Surviving Midnight | World Anvil

Thomas Caldwell

Thomas Caldwell, is a weathered war veteran with a haunted past that lingers like a dark cloud over him. His military service has left scars on his soul, and the horrors he witnessed continue to haunt him. He often seems lost in his own thoughts, distant, and withdrawn from the world around him. Tall and lean, Tom's once strong frame has weathered with time, much like the town he now calls home. His eyes, once full of life, now carry a profound weariness, reflecting the weight of his experiences. Deep lines etch his face, telling the story of years spent in battle, struggling to reconcile the atrocities he witnessed. He prefers to dress in practical, worn-out clothing, displaying an air of self-reliance and resourcefulness. You can often find him wearing a military cap, a reminder of his service and a symbol of the past he can't escape.   Tom's secluded home on the outskirts of Midnight reflects his desire to keep to himself. Overgrown vegetation and a worn-down appearance mirror the man's troubled mind. He surrounds himself with mementos and relics from his time in the military, both as a way to cope with the past and a reminder of the strength he once possessed. Despite his aloofness, Tom's presence in the town is impossible to ignore. His paranoia and distrust of outsiders are well-known, making him an enigmatic figure in the unfolding drama of Midnight, however, beneath the gruff exterior lies a man who still feels deeply, carrying the burden of his past actions. While he may appear cold and distant, there are glimpses of a compassionate soul that yearns for redemption and understanding.      
Personal History
  Thomas Caldwell, known as Tom to his friends, was born and raised in a small town far from the eerie grasp of Midnight. As a young man, he was drawn to the call of duty and enlisted in the military, seeking adventure and a chance to make a difference. Tom's military career took him to distant lands, where he faced the harsh realities of war and witnessed the darkest aspects of humanity. During his service, Tom endured harrowing battles, losing comrades and witnessing atrocities that would haunt him for years to come. The weight of these experiences bore heavily on his mind, leaving scars that ran deep. Despite the horrors he faced, Tom remained a resilient soldier, and his skills and tenacity earned him respect among his fellow soldiers.   When he returned home, he struggled to assimilate back into civilian life. The tranquility of his childhood town offered little solace, and Tom felt like an outsider in his own home. Seeking a fresh start, he decided to leave his past behind and moved to Midnight, seeking anonymity and a chance to rebuild his shattered life. In Midnight, Tom found a town seemingly frozen in time, with its own eerie secrets and dark history. He settled into a quiet life on the outskirts of town, distancing himself from the townsfolk and the painful memories of his past. Tom sought solace in solitude, finding comfort in the company of his memories and the relics from his military service that surrounded him. Over time, the town's chilling atmosphere seeped into his bones, and the traumas of war began to resurface, haunting his dreams and fueling his growing paranoia. Tom's wariness extended to the people of Midnight, as he became suspicious of outsiders and anyone who might bring further turmoil to his life. Despite his gruff exterior, Tom's compassionate heart remained intact, and he couldn't help but be moved by the struggles of others in Midnight. He became an enigmatic figure, simultaneously aloof and watchful, keeping a close eye on the happenings of the town from afar.      
  Thomas Caldwell is a man with a commanding presence. His tall, broad-shouldered frame carries the weight of his experiences. Tom's strong jawline frames a face that exudes both strength and weariness. His eyes, a deep shade of brown, hold a haunting intensity that betrays the demons that still linger in his soul. His closely-cropped hair, peppered with hints of gray, adds to his rugged appearance. Though Tom may be reticent to share his stories, the scars that peek from beneath his sleeves and collar hint at the trials he has endured in far-off lands. His attire reflects a simple and practical lifestyle. Often clad in well-worn jeans and a weathered t-shirt, he blends into the outskirts of Midnight like a specter of the night. He carries himself with a sense of quiet purpose, always watchful, ever ready to confront the shadows that surround him.
Current Location
His Home    
  • Age: 46
  • Sex: Male
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Black and Grey
  • Height: 6' 2"
  • Weight: 256

HP: 6

  • Body: 5
  • Strength: 4
  • Agility: 6
  • Mind: 2
  • Luck Points: 1
  • Initiative: 4
  • Stealth: 4
  • Grappling: 3
  • Melee: 5
  • Ranged: 6
  • Soak: 5
  • Dodge: 4
  • Battle-Hardened Resilience: Due to his experiences as a war veteran and the traumas he has endured, Thomas has developed an exceptional resilience to fear and mental strain. When facing terrifying or sanity-shattering situations, he can steel his mind and suppress the effects of fear, panic, or supernatural manipulation. Once per game session, Thomas can activate his Battle-Hardened Resilience ability to gain temporary immunity to fear-based status effects or mind-altering conditions. This allows him and anyone in his company to resist the debilitating effects of supernatural horrors, curses, and other mind-affecting powers, granting him an advantage in facing the malevolent entities that lurk within Midnight for one (Real World) hour, provided the character can gain Thomas's trust and convince him to travel with them.
  • SIG Sauer M17: 50 meters, damage 4+Agility
  • Fist: 5' reach, damage: 1 + Strength
  • Improvised Weapon: 5' reach, damage: 2 + Strength

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