Briar Dumont Character in Sutton Springs | World Anvil
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Briar Dumont

Briar Dumont (a.k.a. Bri)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A woman with an hourglass shape, with slightly wider hips than shoulders. Physically fit as a ranger who hikes forest trails daily. Shoulder length and voluminous wavy hair.

Facial Features

With French and Hispanic traits, she has round eyes, a small slightly upturned nose, slightly fuller eyebrows and lashes, and thin lips. She also has a beauty mark to to the bottom left side of her face a few centimeters away from her lips.

Identifying Characteristics

Besides her beauty mark on her face, she can always been seen wearing her ruby red earring and a necklace with an old non-descript redwood charm with much newer and freshly dyed wooden beads along the cord.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in Klamath, Oregon, Briar Dumont grew up surrounded by nature. With a botanist as a father and a professor of Folklore and Mythology as a mother, Briar grew up thinking that the forests and mountains around her were the home of thousands of beautiful plants and creatures -- known and unknown. Growing up she would go on camping trips with her parents, visiting nearby waterfalls or crystal clear lakes or exploring new trails family friends recommended. The daily activities were just as fun as the nightly activities. She has fond memories of bundling up in a blanket while her mother and her tried to scare each other with whatever stories they remember or made up (much to the distress of her father who wasn't the biggest fan of scary stories).   The three of them later moved further up to Portland for her mother's new position as the University of Oregon in Eugene. She would sometimes pretend to be a student of her mother's, writing her own little reports on folklore or bizarre animals. It was in that household where her younger siblings were born and raised. She went from a ten year old only child to being the older sister to two brothers and a sister. Yes, they were triplets. There was Camille and the twins Andre and Sacha. She loves her siblings very much, but she always felt like they could get along fine without her as the three of them were very close and the ten year age difference. Life certainly became more chaotic in the Dumont household, but it was a fun kind of chaos.   Briar grew up attending and then later volunteering/working at summer camps yearly. She was surprisingly good with dealing with children much younger than her (thank you triplets) and was a nominee for 'favorite counselor' for many years. She loved being outside with nature and looking up at the stars over the tall pine tree tops. She's always wished that she could be just as high up as they were so she can watch the stars all night. That was the first push she needed towards looking for a job in the parks. Eventually she found herself training and studying Environmental Studies and kept at it for six years until she was officially hired as a member of the Six Rivers National Park in California. She is part of their summer season and firewatch team. She joined the team at 23 years old.   During her first year working there, she met her (then friend) boyfriend, Grayson Keel. It's been four year and they have just recently become a couple a few months ago. She loves him very much and hoping to build a future with him. She is even considering taking a full time position at the park so she could move to California and live closer to Grayson.




Briar works as a seasonal forest ranger for the Six River National Forest. Every day she wakes up early to walk two of the shorter trails before coming down to where the guests stay and lead in a few activities before she goes back to finish the rest of the trails. Though she doesn't have firefighting training, she is considered part of the firewatch during the summer season. She is quite happy with her seasonal job, having the fall and winter free, but she does contemplate becoming a full time ranger to live in a cabin in the forest and live near her boyfriend, Grayson.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

When she gets nervous or scared, she touches the old wooden charm on her necklace.


Briar is for the most part quite hygienic, but she is also used to having to go a few days without at shower, being too tired after a long day's work to wash up and just pass out on the cot, or running out of products out in the watch tower.


Family Ties

Briar's family consist of her parents the triplets - consisting of the twin boys Andre and Sacha and their sister Camille - and her grandparents on both sides. Her father's parents still live in France while her mother's family lives in California.

Hobbies & Pets

Briar doesn't have a pet as of yet, though she teases her boyfriend Grayson with the idea of a white cat named Bozo (the Clown).   Her hobbies include doodling, crafting, stargazing, and watching the sunrise and sunset.


Grayson Keel


Towards Briar Dumont


Briar Dumont


Towards Grayson Keel


Forest ranger of the Six Rivers National Park in Northern California. She's your typical 27 year old with a nice job, loving partner, a bike named Buster Bunny, and a secret.

View Character Profile
Date of Birth
7th of September, 1995
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Current Residence
Six Rivers National Park; Willow Creek, CA
Light Brown
Dark Brown/Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
English, Spanish, and French.

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