Crystaria Organization in Suveon | World Anvil
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The merchants of Crystaria are known to travel far and wide in their ships to trade with anyone they can find. They navigate the seas and the rivers all over the known region. It is widely believed by people in other countries that everyone in Crystaria is rich, but the seas can be rough and not every voyage makes a profit.

Demography and Population

Human: 70%
Danlae: 14%
Ahsness: 10%
Other: 6%


Crystaria is a large, irregularly shaped forested island between the Tranquil Expanse and the Biting Deep.

Foreign Relations

Aglas: FRIENDLY Crystarian merchants are the most likely to travel upriver to trade with Aglas.

Belsa: ALLY Crystaria has established and busy trade routes with this nation.

Filhony: ALLY Crystaria has established and busy trade routes with this nation. The shipyards at Zabinamo are frequented by some Crystarians for repairs.

Narkish: FRIENDLY Crystaria enjoys trading with Narkish, but they aren't considered an ally since their leadership is in constant flux.

Orbico: ALLY Crystaria has established and busy trade routes with this nation.

Zel: FRIENDLY Crystaria has regular trade routes up the Mirror River.

Agriculture & Industry

The island of Crystaria is a green, forested place. It has many farms for grain, produce, and livestock as well as wild spaces for hunting so it can support the population.

Trade & Transport

The island of Crystaria has multiple roads and multiple rivers for trade and transport. However, it also has a large merchant shipping fleet that trades with as many others in the region as it can.

Wealth of the Sea

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
10 Silvern = 1 Byrac
Major Exports
Beer, Cheese, Honey, Nuts, Ornapir, Salt, Wine
Major Imports
Bostrids, Coconuts, Cranberries, Dyes, Jewelry, Linen Cloth, Metal, Metal Products, Musical Instruments, Paper & Books, Pearls, Rope, Silk, Spices, Stone, Weapons, Woven Baskets
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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