Crystarian Ethnicity in Suveon | World Anvil
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Crystarians love great deeds and daring adventure. To most of them, this involves living on a boat and trading with as many people as possible. They believe that the best way to make a profit is to treat their customers with respect, whether male or female, human or non-human. This practice seems to be working well for them.


Shared customary codes and values

Crystarians appreciate tales of adventure: great oaths, valor, bravery, and beating the odds. These tales are often told with audience participation in the form of answering questions or standing in specified places to demonstrate portions of the event.

They also enjoy music, dancing, and competitions.

Common Etiquette rules

Friends or family clasp hands in greeting. In formal situations, shaking hands is expected. However, Crystarian traders are usually masters of etiquette and learn the traditions of the places that they trade with to not cause offense.

The nobility are greeted with bows, but if concluding a business deal with a noble, a handshake is expected.

Common Dress code

Male Crystarians wear shirts with loose sleeves that end in tied cuffs, trousers that are loose around the thigh, but are tied tight to the leg below the knee and leather shoes or boots, as appropriate. In formal situations, a tabard that comes down to the hips is worn over his other clothing. It is a long fabric rectangle with a hole for the head that falls to the front and back of the body. Two buttons are used on each side to fasten the front to the back panel when worn.

Female Crystarians wear a similar outfit, but their tabards are much longer, coming down to about the knee level. Unlike the men, women wear the long-apron/tabard at all times, not just in formal situations. The front of the long apron/tabard is attached to the back with lacing down each side instead of buttons. A further difference is that women's trousers are tighter than the men's and are tied tight to the whole leg. All together, the outfit gives the impression of someone wearing a dress with a slit up each side.

Wealthy Crystarians use fine fabric for their shirts which can be nearly transparent in hot weather. Their trousers are custom fitted and the lacings are made of fine cord. The tabards, both male & female varieties, are decorated with pearls and other bead work.

Art & Architecture

Crystarian buildings are made of wood with the exception of those wealthy enough to import stone. There is a preference for building taller rather than building wider and most homes will have at least two storeys.

Most buildings will have a mosaic floor on the ground floor, built of small stones, tiles, and shells. They often decorate the walls with paintings and murals.

Crystarians delight in theater. Special buildings are made to perform plays and pageants in cities. In towns and small areas, these are performed out in the open.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Meals usually consist of fish, produce, and grains. Those who don't live near a river or coast will substitute meat for fish when possible.

There is very little discrimination between male and female, human and non-human in Crystarian culture.

Common Taboos

Asking someone about their income is extremely bad manners. Asking someone how their year or last voyage went, is considered good manners.

Breaking a contract is considered a criminal offense. People will go to extreme lengths to fulfill their obligations.

Diverged ethnicities
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