Istiana Settlement in Suveon | World Anvil
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Istiana, sometimes called the Jewel of Belsa, is the capital city and the residence of the current monarch. Between numerous canopies covering the walkways of the city and sets of streaming fabric hanging over the walls in places, the SkyLand is very colorful. The wall around the city and leading down both sides of the SkyBridge are made of a white stone which further enhances the color of the fabrics.


Nairians make up the majority of the population, but there are many permanent residents of each of the other peoples.

Industry & Trade

Imports: Jewelry, Linen Cloth, Metal, Metal Products, Musical Instruments, Rope, Salt, Stone, Weapons
Exports: Dyes, Fungi & Fungal Products, Honey, Nuts, Ornapir, Silk, Spices, Timber, Wines, Wool


The heart of the city is located on a large SkyLand with the remainder of the city sprawls out below and around the SkyBridge.

The SkyLand has two springs on the SkyLand. Water has been routed from each one to both half of the SkyLand and to supply water to one end of the SkyBridge. Unlike the straight conduits found in many other cities, the water lines in Belsa form curving lines. As in other cities, numerous collection places are available for people to draw water.


SkyLand - The royal palace is located on the SkyLand. In addition, there is a fine Academy, government & guild buildings, shops, and homes. Many of the common paths of this area have sun shades to protect skin from sun damage.

SkyBridge - - There are numerous residences along the skybridge, many with small gardens. In addition there are shops and inns. Each SkyBridge has three central trading areas that have a center trading post and are covered by canopies to protect the area from the sun.

Under SkyLand - The center of the area under the skyland is the Royal Garden. Surrounding that are good quality shops, inns, and homes.

Under Bridge & Surrounds - This area is has several facilities for weaving silk cloth and dying it. It also contains homes and shops.

Bridge Ends - There are shops, warehouses, and residences at both bridge ends. The northeast end leads to numerous docks set up for trade as well as four ferries set up to transport caravans coming down from the north. The southwest end of the SkyBridge leads to the surrounding lands and, further on, to other towns in Belsa.

Guilds and Factions

Points of interest

Center of Learning

Royal Garden of Belsa


The city of Istiana is located deep within the heart of the Woodpecker Woods. It is 100 miles (160km) up the Diverting River from the coast.

Natural Resources

Farmland: Animals & Produce
Forest: Wood & Edible Fungi
River: Fish

SkyBridge Orientation
NE/SW - southwest of river
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Jewel of Belsa
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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