Renhish Settlement in Suveon | World Anvil
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Renhish is a large coastal city in the northern portion of Orbico. The city is ruled by a Duke who's main residence is located on the SkyLand. The city is well known for the fine beers it produces for export and local consumption. It also houses the Renhish Academy which is the center for learning in that part of the country.


Humans make up the majority of the population, but there are permanent residents of each of the other peoples.

Industry & Trade

Imports: Cranberries, Dyes, Jewelry, Linen Cloth, Paper & Books, Salt, Silk, Spices
Exports: Animals, Beer, Cheese, Grain, Produce


The heart of the city is located on a large SkyLand with the remainder of the city sprawling out below and around the SkyBridge. Both ends of the SkyBridge are near the coast of the Tranquil Expanse.

There is a central fountain which is fed by a spring within the SkyLand. Water is routed from this fountain in six directions. Two large channels lead in opposite directions toward the SkyBridges. The other four conduits are smaller and lead to other areas of the SkyLand itself. After 500 feet (15 meters) each conduit fills a pool. From that pool, two more conduits lead away at 60 degrees from the inlet conduit and form two more pools where water collects. People gather water from these pools to use in their homes.


Skyland - This is where the nobles of the city reside. Other items here include temples, the Academy, government and guild buildings, fine shops, and other homes.

SkyBridge - The SkyBridge leading from both sides of the SkyLand are grand affairs in Renhish. A 50 foot (15 meter) wide portion of the center of the bridge forms the parkway with a 12 foot (3.7 meter) wide brick-paved road going up the center of that. The remaining 20 feet on each side of the road is landscaped with flowers, shrubs and small trees. Between the parkway and the edges of the bridge are residences and the occasional shop.

Under SkyLand - This section of the city is where the poorest people reside.

Bridge Ends - Both of the bridge ends of Renhish are near the sea. Both have docks for ships, warehouses to store goods, vendors selling food and wares, and lots of people busy about their tasks.

Under Bridge & Surrounds - The underbridge and surrounds contain small farmlands and, near the bridge ends, breweries.

Guilds and Factions

Points of interest

Renhish Academy


Renhish is located on the coast of the Tranquil Expanse at the mouth of the Rainy River.

Natural Resources

Farmlands: Animals, Dairy, Grain, Produce
River & Sea: Fish

SkyBridge Orientation
NE/SW - north of river
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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