Zumaiaga Settlement in Suveon | World Anvil
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The Town of Zumaiaga is on a SkyBridge oriented in an east/west direction. The western end of the bridge leads to the docks and the trade route to Mustaiz eastern end leads toward the city of Zara. Consequently there are a few shops and warehouses located at both bridge ends to welcome traders.


Population is made primarily of Humans, Nairian, and mixed-species crosses between the two.

Industry & Trade

Imports: Leather, Linen Cloth, Metal Products, Rope, Silk
Exports: Dyes, Fungi and fungi-related products, Nuts, Salt, Spices, Timber


The city is located on a SkyLand with a few buildings at each end of the bridge.


SkyLand - The town is situated on the SkyLand with the spring being located fairly central to the land. The only conduit from the spring pipes water to the Lord or Lady's manor.

SkyBridge - A few farms are located here, but parts of the bridge is left wild. The road to the town is well maintained.

Bridge Ends - Warehouses and food sellers are located on both Bridge Ends.


Zumaiaga is located on the north coast of Stormy Point next to the Tranquil Expanse.

Natural Resources

Forest: Wood & Edible Fungi
SkyLand: Produce
Sea: Fish

SkyBridge Orientation
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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