Aleitha Character in Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Aleitha is a direct descendant of Zariel and the biological grandmother of Lily Rosene. She lived the early part of her life in the servitude of her ancestor Zariel, raised in the belief that her soul would join Zariel in Avernus after her death. She then met and eventually married her husband brastos and wanted to escape that fate. Brastos devoted himself to Bahamut and they both believed that as long as they were reunited in death that Aleitha's soul would be saved.   After giving birth to a daughter in Neverwinter, Aleitha and her child travelled to Stormwreck Isle to meet the child's father. Tragedy struck however when, about 40 years ago, the Compass Rose wrecked on a shoal. Aleitha was gravely injured and her child was lost to the waves. Drowning in her grief of her child and fearing losing her soul to Zariel she prayed to get out of it; first to Bahamut but those prayers fell on deaf ears. Desperate, she ended up praying to Orcus , the prince of undead. Her desperate prayers were answered as her talisman, originally a loving promise to her husband, became imbued with the magic responsible for animating of the zombies.   Unknown to all, the child actually did survide the wreck. Aleitha's desperate prayers of salvation of her child resulted in a blessing from Bahamut and the kid arrived at the neverwinter shore. The girl grew up and later birthed Lily Rosene.

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