Zariel Character in Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Zariel , titled the Archduchess of Avernus and the Lord of the First, was the archdevil ruler of Avernus who was dedicated to winning the unending Blood War between devils and demons. She was originally an angel of the Seven Heavens before transforming into an archdevil and falling to the Nine Hells.   Zariel's original form was that of a beautiful solar with flawless skin, gold-feathered wings, and a blindfold covering her eyes. After her descent, she took on a more diabolical appearance: a halo of fire burned atop her head, her once-fine skin was scorched, and her angelic wings, ruined by flame, turned leathery. Her blindfold was abandoned, fully revealing eyes that glowed with white-hot rage, and she had lost one of her hands and replaced it with a flail.   While not directly participating in the blood war in Avernus, Orcus gaining power would also mean more power to the demon side, which is why Zariel has interest in stopping his gaining of power in the mortal realm. This combined with the insult of losing the soul of one of her descendants (Aleitha) to her enemy Orcus, made her take an interest in her next descendant Lily Rosene . After learning of lily's pact with Gabriel, she decided send her a dream as if from gabriel to get this descendent to rectify her grandmothers mistake. Depending on Lily Rosene's performance, she might take a further interest in her.

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