Gabriel Character in Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Gabriel is a solar in the service of Bahamut . In 1357 DR, Gabriel was captured by a group of balors in the Layers of the Abyss ruled by Orcus. He was tortured by them until eventually he was freed by Gareth Dragonsbane's party.   As a small child, she was taken in by her foster family; Osmund and Catherine of House Rosene. She grew up sheltered in their mansion on the outside of Neverwinter. On these grounds was a temple to the god Bahamut, who is a patron of heroes and a champion of justice. One day when she entered, she saw, between all the bejewelled statues, a metal statue depicting the freeing of the solar Gabriel from the Abyss, with his wounds being the only polished parts of the metal due to the believe that rubbing it would spare one pain. She however touched his hand instead. Upon this contact, the statue spoke "Offer me something of great value". Instead of taking one of the temple's gems, she offered her driftglobe (a beloved gift given to her by her parents). Surprised by this willing and kind hearted gesture from the little tiefling, a pact was offered: magic for being good, following justice and protecting those weaker than her.   Gabriel really cares about Lily and is very protective of her. He is not aware of her most recent dreams, and will warn and protect her from Zariel  and from falling like she did ages ago.

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