Welcome to Dragon's Rest Plot in Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Welcome to Dragon's Rest

The adventure starts with the PC's on a ship that goes to Dragon's Rest. Read the following text
Your journey was uneventful, but the island now visible off the bow promises rare wonders. Seaweed shimmers in countless brilliant colours below you, and rays of sunlight defy the overcast sky to illuminate the lush grass and dark basalt rock of the island. Avoiding the rocks jutting up from the ocean, your ship makes its way toward a calm harbour on the island's north side. A large open-air temple comes into view, perched on the end of a cliff high above you. The ship drops anchor at the mouth of the harbour, and two sailors row you ashore. You have plenty of time to admire the towering statue at the center of the temple, depicting a wizened man surrounded by seven songbirds. A long path winds up the side of the cliff to the temple, dotted along the way with doorways cut into the rock.
Before continuing the adventure, encourage the PCs to introduce their characters to each other. They might want to discuss their reasons for visiting Dragon's Rest or they might prefer to keep their reasons secret for now. The ship that has brought them here is named "The broken howl"" and the sailors are named jack and elizabeth (humans). If they have any questions about what they can sea of the cloister, use the map and Dragon's Rest to answer them. Once they have introduced themselves, read the following
The sailors set you ashore on a rickety dock, where a large row boat is neatly tied. They point to the base of the path and wish you good luck before they row back to the ship. Your visit to Dragon's Rest begins!
Aks the PCs for their marching other as they start toward the cloister and make note of this.   Continue with Drowned Sailors
Stormwreck Isle
Stormwreck Isle
Plot type
Chapter 1: Welcome to Dragon's Rest

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