Dragon's Rest Building / Landmark in Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Dragon's Rest

A large open-air temple, perched on the edge of a cliff high above. At the center stands a towering statue depicting a wizened man surrounded by seven songbirds. A long path winds up the side of the cliff to the temple, dotted along the way with doorways cut into the rocks


Dragon's Rest
A1: Path and Monastic cells
A long path leads from the rocky shore up the side of the cliff, with occasional stairs to ease the ascent. Here and there along the lower part of the path, well-tended garden plots hold flowers, herbs and vegetables. About thirty feet above the bay, the path widens into a long plaza. Halfway along the plaza, a stone statue of a dragon gazes serenely down the path. Six open doorways are cut into the cliff side
  Statue The star-in-a-circle symbol on the map represents the dragon statue. A PC who examines the statue and succeeds on a DC10 Arcana check recognises it depicts a bronze dragon- a member of the metallic family. If the PCs ask Runara about the statue, she tells them it depicts Astalagan, who died on these cliffs centuries ago. Runara is the only inhabitant of Dragon's Rest who knows that the serene magic in the Temple is the lingering effect of the death of a dragon on this site- her father Astalagan   Cells The doorways lead into simple monastic cells occupied with a bed, a night stand, a small desk and a chair. The western most cell is vacant, and it is available to the PCs if they don't mind sharing the space. Next to it is Tarak's cell, then Varnoth 's.   The fourth cell is Myla 's, cluttered with disorganised junk and tools. Panama can attempt to melt 10 of the obsidian chuncks together into a 100 gp gem. This will take a DC 15 Arcana check, on a succes it works with only 10 chunks, on a fail it takes 10 + 1d4 chuncks   The fifth and sixth cells are strung with hammocks, offering space for the other eight kobolds to sleep. Both doors have heigt markings of the kobold kids on them in draconian  
A2: Winch House
A small, free-stranding building halfway up the path has a peaked roof and a weather wooden door. A sturdy wooden pallet wrapped with rope hangs beneath the building on an iron chain, lying flat against the cliff face.
Inside the building is a winch that allows the pallet to be lowered down to the water, 50 ft below. When boats deliver supplies to the cloister, the residents use this pallet to haul goods both up and down. A lever locks the winch in place. If a character pulls the lever, the pallet falls down to the water and just floats there. As an action, a character can operate the winch to pull the pallet back up 10 ft  
A3: Kitchen
A doorway in the rock opens into a dining room with a long table. Two benches run the length of the table, and a single chair sits at the table's head. A short hallway connects to a small tidy kitchen
The cloister residents share three daily meals here. They take turns cooking and cleaning up after meals. Nobody says it out loud, but the days when Tarak k cooks are everyone's favourite  
A4: Library
Of all the doorways cut into the cliff face, only one has an actual door. This entry's door is made of sturdy oak with iron bands, and it swings open easily to reveal a spacious library. Bookshelves line every wall, with three free standing shelves in the west half of the room. In the east half is a table with two benches, writing implements, book stands and glass shielded lamps.
The cloister library holds books and scrolls covering a variety of topics, but focused on theology and history. Runara spends nearly half her time in here, studying, copying and annotating the library's collection. Tarak and Varnoth also come here to read and discuss various works. Many of the kobolds visit as well, but mostly for the quiet; only Myla could be described as studious.  
A5: Temple of Bahamut
The highest point of the cloister is crowned by an open-air temple that overhangs the cliff, supported by arched stone struts anchored to the cliff face. The north wall of the temple is carved directly into the rock, while the rest is open to the sea air. Heavy pillars mark the three open sides, supporting the wooden roof. In the center of the temple stands a stone statue of a kind looking old man with canaries perched on his hands, shoulders and head. A feeling of serenity suffuses the place.
The temple is very simple, with the statue (represented by the star-in-a-circle) as its only furnishing. The statue depicts Bahamut in mortal disguise, surrounded by seven canaries that represent gold dragons who accompany him on his travels. A character who examines the statue and succeeds on a DC10 Religion check, recognizes Bahamut, and any of the Dragon's Rest identifies the god if asked.   Depressions in the statue's pedestal at the four cardinal directions hold offerings of incense made to Bahamut. Runara spends about half her time here, tending and maintaining the temple, offering prayers and incense, or in quiet contemplation. Other residents of the cloister help her, most often Varnoth or Rix.   The feeling of serenity that pervades the temple is the result of protective magic. A non-evil creature who makes a saving throw within the temple can roll a d4 and add that number to the saving throw. If a PC casts detect magic in the temple, the spell reveals a faint aura around the tatue.

Purpose / Function

The cloister is a safe-haven from violence where world-weary people come to seek peace, reconciliation and enlightenment   Throughout this adventure, Dragon's Rest serves as a homebase for the PCs. All the places to explore on the island are within a few miles of the cloister, and they can return here whenever they wish to rest, heal, and get information they need for the next part of their adventure. In addition they can buy any of the equipment from Myla.


The inhabitants of the cloister are During the PCs time at Dragon's Rest, the PCs can interact with any of its residents. All, except for Runara , live in the monastic cells cut into the cliff (A1)


See Legend of Stormwreck Isle Blue and Bronze


Visitors to the cloister are rare, as such the inhabitants curiosity to arriving visitors is palpable


  • Stormwreck Isle
Founding Date
Hundered years ago
Alternative Names
Cloister of Bahamut
Temple / Religious complex
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