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Corrin Seranovos, The Darkwhisper

Vampire Lord

In an attempt to create a land for vampire and monster kind alike, master vampire Corrin Seranovos, or more commonly known as Corrin Darkwhisper, concocted the 100-year summer and the Sandstorm that covered Azza in darkness. During a long campaign of terror, Corrin attempted to create his monster utopia on Azza before finally being mortally wounded by a warrior band and the help of the Order of Blades. Corrin's magic dissipated with his defeat, and the great sandstorm finally ceased. Thought to be dead for many years now, only recently has lights been seen in Darkwhisper Manor and the rumors of the vampire lord's return have begun to spread.

  Of Blood and Desperation
Corrin started life as most did at the time, grown into a harsh world where you were forced to prove early that you had the heart to survive the early years of Sylas' second age. Born to a family of ranch hands, Corrin became strong early as a child. Helping his family around the farm, Corrin found himself stronger and larger then most of the other boys his age. For years, Corrin would personify strength and this reputation for brawn, quickly made him a popular child.
  Then, at the age of 15, Corrin was kicked in the neck by a new horse his family was breaking. Corrin became paralyzed by the strike, and if not for his inner strength, Corrin would have fallen to his injury. Corrin would spend the next 9 years of his life studying. He was no longer a model of health and strength, so Corrin took it upon himself to find a new way to stand out. And that was his search for knowledge.
  At 22, Corrin was allowed to join the Newharbor Academy, where he would quickly become one of their best students. Corrin began to focus on xenobiology, and the study of monsters'. Intrigued by the various species that could heal from wounds, or even regenerate limbs entirely, Corrin devoted himself to the study of the creatures of Sylas as well as Alchemy. Convinced that with enough time, and the right materials, maybe one day he would be able to move more than just his head. Corrin would find a partner in a mage named Benvivo Stahl, a kindred spirt who was also enthralled by the various creatures of Sylas. Together they graduated and began a research project for the academy. The pair would spend years researching and documenting as much as they could about various lifeforms.
  In their studies, a shaman had turned Corrin on to the art of Blood Magic, a forbidden art that crafted magic from the lifeforce of the denizens of Sylas. With no innate magical talent, Corrin assumed this to be the only avenue to power he could possess. Through months of training in secret, a single cut could provide him with enough magic to fend off attackers, bend objects around him to his will, and eventually no longer require his stationary chair where he spent most of his days. Blood magic first allowed him to hover and move around the research dorm at a slow speed, but with enough practice, Corrin sped around like a bird. This began to fracture his friendship with Benvivo, who tolerated the practice at first as it made life easier for Corrin, but more and more, Corrin was twisting the world around him in dark, dangerous ways.
  Corrin became obsessed with blood magic, and through it the posibility of strength once again. In this persuit, Corrin learned of a Blood Magician by the name of Axon Deprann. Through his channels at the school, favors and the coin he had, Corrin was finally able to find someone who knew him and could take him to Axon. The journy took Corrin and Benvivo to Embershard, a small town on the southern coast of Kedra. A meeting was set at the Salt and Scale, a dingy tavern in the middle of a small fishing village. Corrin was to meet Axon at sundown. After many pints and a loss of patience, Corrin and Benvivo eventually grew impatient as hours went by with no sign of the famous Mage. Just as soon as the two got up to leave, the world went black and Corrin found himself waking in chains in another place.
  Corrin found himself face to face with Axon, a small frail looking man who stared at Corrin with menacing glee. Axon asked Corrin what he would give for the return of his limbs, and the strength he once possessed. Corrin answered "anything", and as the word escaped his lips, Axon pounced on him, his once frail frame enveloping him like a spider. Corrin squirmed and cried out as Axon's fangs pierced into his neck. Corrin tried his best to struggle against the creature, but once again he felt the world go black as the loss of blood finally took him.
  Corrin awoke later. No longer bound, and no longer in the location with Axon and Benvivo. He found himself alone and naked in the middle of a forest, staring up at the stars. Corrin shook his head and raised his hands up with wipe the sleep from his eyes. All of a sudden he jumped up, shocked not only that his neck and arms worked, but now he stood on his own legs. Power surged through him, a strength he had never felt before. He was strong as a youth, but now, he felt as if he could topple a mountain with a single punch.
  For hours, Corrin wandered the forest, taking in his miraculous recovery and newly found strength. All of sudden, a booming voice shattered his concentration. Corrin scanned the horizon trying to find the source of the voice, but it continued, as if from inside his mind. At first the words sounded like the ocean, crashing upon rocks, but soon, Corrin began to pick out words. "Beware". was first. A warning. Then "vampire". Corrin frantically spun around, looking for the potential threat. Then the rest of the words became clear. "Beware of the sun, vampire..." As soon as the sentence became clean, the voice stopped, followed by the familiar cackle of Axon, then... silence.
  Whispers in the Dark
  Children of Darkwhisper
Although notoriously against creating more vampire-kind, Corrin has created a few notable sires in his long life. Most notable is his "daughter" Arissa, his first child, and one of the few creatures Corrin truly cares for. Even though Arissa hasn't been seen in many years, tales of her bloodlust and hatred of her father still roam around campfires in The Crown. Second, his sire Aoth is his last known child and one of his most vicious.

  The Long Game
Corrin's desire to take over Azza began hundreds of years before his actual invasion. With his dream in hand, Corrin got the help of Remilus Xen, an extremely powerful Tempestarii (weather mage). Together they hatched the plan to curse Azza with blistering heat for hundreds of years making the land barren and inhospitable for most mortal races. Together, with a contingent of mages under Remilus' command, they performed the ritual and the curse took hold, raising the average temperature to over 115 degrees during the day and removing any chance of rainfall. Confined to Azurecrest tower, Remilus and his mages would have to continue the spell for years protected by Corrin and his guards. Once the spell had taken hold and was nearly impossible to counter, Corrin left Azurecrest to the mages and went back to Darkwhisper manor to continue his plans. In the span of 117 years, Azza went from a lushly populated continent to a barren sand-covered wasteland. Just as Corrin had hoped, but in a fraction of the time they assumed it would take. Returning to Azurecrest, Corrin betrayed and murdered Remilus and his Tempestarii, knowing that only they could fix the damage done to Azza if ever they were to not see eye to eye. With his hopes now close at hand, he began his invasion plans and began amassing his army.   Commander and Lord
As plans for his full assault on Azza began, Corrin started to amass a massive, vicious army under his command. While some happily wished for his utopia, free of most mortal races, many allied under him because they saw him as an unstoppable force. Few others were hand-picked by him, to serve in top positions within his ranks. Highest among them is Pahlindreth, the famed Sorcerer of the Crimson Dawn. A wildly powerful mage that aided Corrin in more ways than any other, and whose prowess on the battlefield made him a well-respected leader.
  The Darwhisper army is split into three minor factions, each taking orders from Corrin or Aoth. The Red Hand, the Ravens, and his Blood Guard. The Red Hand is his infantry forces and the brunt of the army. Well trained and organized, they are a battle-hardened force of nature. Most often lead by "Dreth", the Red Hand has toppled most forces dumb enough to stand in their way. The Ravens are Corrin's spies. Trained in spycraft, infiltration, and espionage, the Ravens have ingrained themselves into every major city and political court, being Corrin's eyes and ears around Sylas. They are also trained assassins if the need arises. Lastly, the Blood Guard are Corrin's personal guard. Lead by the now-deceased Ryn Albrect, they are some of the most powerful magi and warriors Corrin had collected. Sadly, they were unable to reach his side before Corrin was struck down.

  The Fall of Darkwhisper
As Azza was slowly being squeezed by Corrin, The Order of Blades and a group of Adventures began to fight back. Corrin's weakness would be his overconfidence in both his strength and his hidden lair inside Razorwind, which unbeknownst to him had already been found. As Corrin slept, the warriors infiltrated his location and killed the few Blood Guard he had stationed there. Through luck, strategy, and Corrin's overconfidence, one of the members was able to destroy the roof and walls of his lair, exposing himself to sunlight. In his weakened state, he attempted to fight but, was overwhelmed. Convinced of his own power, he chose not to flee and was struck down sending him back to his coffin inside Dakwhisper Manor to recover.
  On top of his defeat, Corrin's army was spread too thin at the time of the battle, with most of his Red Hand taking on the Dwarves of Kharran. It wasn't until his sandstorm was dispelled that many of his troops even guessed of his fall. As many retreated back to Razorwind to find out what happened, they found a rallied Razorwind combined with The Order of Blades. At that point, many fought but 'Dreth' and other top lieutenants called for a full retreat. Now scattered into the corners of the world, Corrin's forces look to regroup, regain strength, and find their lord.

  Walking the Planes
Even though he has been missing from Sylas for a year now, that hasn't stopped rumors of the vampire lord in other planes. It seems the vampire lord may have the ability to travel in between various planes of existence. Tales of the master vampire have come from Avernus, The Forgotten Realms, and Dunmanji where he has come to the aid of other vampires, monsters, and chaotic souls in need of help.

Race: Vampire
Age: Unknown (1000s of years old at least)
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180lbs
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Yellow
Notable Features: A few scars on his face from his days before his turning. Lythe but muscular body. Dresses casually.
Known associates:
Ardek Savrol, Aoth, Pahlindreth.


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