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Sorcerer of the Crimson Dawn

One of the highest-ranking members of Corrin Darkwhisper's forces, Pahlindreth, or "Dreth" as most know him, is a extremely powerful and capable sorcerer. Although many see Ardek Savrol is the de facto leader since Aoth's disappearance, most of the soldiers respect Dreth more and see him as a better fit for leadership. Determined to find Aoth, Dreth plans to take a few of the Ravens with him to Dragonspire in hopes of finding any trace of his last whereabouts.

The Rise and Fall of the Crimson Dawn
Atop the Larith Mountains of Kedra, resided a secret order of Sorcerers, bred and trained to become some of the most powerful magic users in all of Sylas. Within the order was the largest gathering of pure-blooded sorcerers ever combined. Using these sires, they bred children at an alarming rate, using magic to age the children quickly so they could assess the children's magical potential. Only the most potent and powerful children were allowed to live, killing off any that showed no magic early and forcing those with little to moderate skill to be glorified training dummies for their stronger siblings.   Among the children born, Pahlindreth showed the most power and potential from a very early age. His aptitude for evocation was second to none, and his ability quickly started to rival even the masters of the order. As "Dreth" grew in knowledge and strength of mind, the Crimson Dawn's leadership saw the potential in a new sire for breeding, but one that could be contained. They subjugated Dreth and forced him into a cell, where he would be forced into sexual slavery as well as constant experimentation.   During this time, the Crimson Dawn began selling its students out to the highest bidder, using the coin they earned to fund the various experiments that were happening behind the scenes. They had started to gain quite the name for themselves as many students would turn the tides of civil wars and insurrections. Hearing of the power of the order, Master vampire Corrin Darkwhisper came calling looking to hire all of the students for his incursion into Azza. The leadership had no desire for students to be gone for great lengths of time, and with the uncertainty of Corrin's war, they ultimately declined his offer. Enraged by the arrogance of the leaders, Corrin took it upon himself to test the might of the Crimson Dawn and slaughtered each of the leaders as well as all students inside the fortress.   As Corrin salvaged what he could from the stronghold found Dreth and gave him an offer to join his forces. Dreth agreed and quickly rose through the ranks, becoming Corrin's most trusted soldier and naming him the leader of the Red Hand. Dreth was instrumental to Corrin's takeover of Azza, leading many of the victorious battles around the desert continent and vanquishing any who stood in his master's way.
Race: Tiefling
Age: 31
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Notable Features: Most notable, is his two-tone skin, uncommon to Tieflings, fading from red on his head and shoulders, to cream towards his chest. His eyes always glow with a faint green light. Dreth is also missing his pinky finger on his left hand.


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