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Olond Laranonel

A young, but powerful wizard under the tutelage of Illinoth Damaski. With a sorted past and a knack for necromancy, Olond has spent many years honing his illegal skills under Illinoth.
  Has two familiars that travel with him, Chauncy the Skeleton and Kurt the Zombie.
Olond from a young age has always been interested in magic. Born into a wizard house, his father and older brother both studied magic at the Waverest Academy and we high ranking members of the order. As Olond began his studies under his father, and eventually the academy, it was obvious the standard schools of magic didn't interest him. "Everyone can cast a fireball" he'd say, "But I want more than just flashy spells. I want to bend the world to my whims".
  This began his interest in necromancy, the only wizard school not taught in the academy and a classification of magic that is outlawed nationwide. He would search the library in secret, finding any tomes or spells he could. He would learn these spells on his own, as he traveled into the surrounding woods each evening. Soon, he was approached by the headmaster of the academy and was thrown out, as a few students had caught him casting spells in the night. Disgraced, he packed up his belongings and instead of returning home, decided to venture out on his own in search of someone who could teach him more of these forbidden arts.
  His search would last years. Taking odd jobs, and even joining a traveling circus for money, Olond would wait another 4 years after leaving Wavecrest before he would find a new teacher. Traveling with the circus, he heard mention of a man named Illinoth Damaski, a local enchanter and store owner in Dravenport. He remembered the name from a few books he had read in the Wavcecrest Library as well as a ledger of rogue mages known to the academy as enemies. After seeking him out, Illinoth took him under his wing and finally began the teaching Olond had been searching for.
  Illinoth and Olond stayed in Dravenport for some time, until a spell casting session went wrong and instead of raising a corpse, Olond raised almost a hundred of the deceased patrons of the Dravenport cemetery. Known as the only two spell casters, they were blamed and thrown out of town despite their cries of innocence. This also brought the local crown guard down on them and branded them as enemies to the throne. In a harrowing escape, the pair were able to hop a ship and head for The Crown. There, Illinoth would set up a small shop and the two would continue their studies in private.
Race: High Elf
Age: 57
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Notable Features: Cowardly, and somewhat shy to those who don't know him. Sleek, sharp features. Green eyes have a sense of menace to them.


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