
Goddess of Creativity and Arcane Construction.
Byn has many different forms. The three main forms are:
  • Shiksha, representing Learning
  • Pragna, representing Wisdom
  • Kala, representing Creativity
Byn's form can often be recognized by her Tool Belt, which holds her celestial tools for creation.

Divine Domains

Creativity and Arcane Construction


Belt of Byn
Bynshanic Texts

Holy Books & Codes

Bynshanic Texts

Created by the Goddess herself, the Bynshanic Texts are part instruction manual and part Arcane Focus. They are used in training and eventually testing new supplicants to the Bynsha Order.
It is unknown exactly how many copies of the Bynshanic Texts are available in the world, but they are closely protected. Since they are artifacts created by the Goddess, no mortal can copy the texts.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A hammer and a dagger are crossed, floating above a circle that represents a pottery wheel.

Tenets of Faith

The core beliefs of follwers of Byn revolve around her three main forms:
  • Shiksha, representing Learning There is nothing more noble than the act of learning something new. When a being stops learning, they might as well be dead.
  • Pragna, representing Wisdom Knowledge is useless without the wisdom to know how and when to apply it. The Trials of Byn used by the Bynsha revolve most heavily around this tenent.
  • Kala, representing Creativity Creation and experimentation are vital to progress and growth. As the plants in the ground do not stop reaching for the sun, so too shall the followers of Byn, reaching for new developments.
Divine Classification
Byn's avatars are often female in nature, but not always.

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill
Character Portrait image: by Tara O'Neill